At 7:30 PM, Director John A. Kugler opened the meeting with a moment of silence, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Director Kugler stated that the meeting was in compliance the Open Public Meetings Act.

On roll call, the following Freeholders were present: Charles R. Sullivan, Lee R. Ware, Bruce L. Bobbitt, R. Benjamin Simmermon, Jr., C. David Sparks, Jr., Susan A. Bestwick and John A. Kugler. A quorum was present.


R2003-286 SALEM COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2003. Motion made by Mr. Sullivan to open the public hearing on the budget amendment, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion followed by a unanimous vote of 7/0. Director Kugler noted that there were no public comments. A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan to close the public hearing, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion followed by a unanimous vote of 7/0. Motion made by Mr. Sullivan to adopt the resolution to adopt the budget, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. Mr. Sparks said that the majority Freeholders had taken no input or suggestions from the minority, constructed the budget with only one year in mind, had not considered alternatives presented, and tapped financial reserves. He said he would therefore vote against the budget presented. Mr. Simmermon said he agrees with Mr. Sparks and that the majority could have lowered the tax burden this year following the federal model to reduce taxes. He said the majority chose not to reduce the budget and it was sad for the people of Salem County that they could have had a tax break. Mr. Sullivan said for seven years he voted against raising taxes and was criticized. He continued that now that the majority had stabilized taxes it sounded like sour grapes from the minority. He said he disagreed about lowering taxes this year in that Mr. Sparks’ proposal would cause budget difficulties in following years. Mr. Sullivan said that the tax rate was ninety-five and one half cents ($0.955) last year and the same this year. Mr. Ware said he was "for" funding education and farmland preservation (with the latter being no burden to the taxpayer) and as a long time math teacher he was amazed that the minority has finally developed their math skills after eighteen years. Director Kugler said this was the largest budget he'd worked with which included three million dollars ($3,000,000.00) from the federal government. He expressed his disappointment with the lack of support from the minority. Mr. Sparks requested a point of order for a rebuttal, which Director Kugler allowed. Mr. Sparks said that the old majority had built up good finances and had previously asked the then minority for help but received none. He said that one freeholder had said it was not his job as the minority to assist with the budget. Mr. Sparks concluded that the present budget is a prescription for failure. Director Kugler said the budget was preparing for success in the future. There being no further comments, Director Kugler called for the vote, which resulted in a unanimous roll call vote of 4/3 with nay votes of Mr. Simmermon, Mr. Sparks and Mrs. Bestwick.

Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan that the reading of the Minutes of May 7, 2003 be dispensed with and that the Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book. Mr. Ware seconded his motion, which was carried by a vote of 7/0.


Proclamation – Mental Health Awareness Month was read by the Clerk of the Board/Administrator.

R2003-287 Resolution Honoring Joanie Rush as a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient

R2003-288 Resolution Honoring Katie Baum as a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient

R2003-289 Resolution Honoring Emily Fredrick as a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient

R2003-290 Resolution Honoring Lori Mosher as a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient

R2003-291 Resolution Honoring Nina Sharp as a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient

R2003-292 Resolution Honoring Erin Carney as a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient

R2003-293 Resolution Honoring Linda Garner as a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient

R2003-294 Resolution Honoring Jenni Iacovone as a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient

R2003-295 Resolution Honoring Lindsay Nestor as a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient

R2003-296 Resolution Honoring Kate Wesolek as a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient

Mr. Sullivan moved for adoption of these ten resolutions, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.

R2003-297 Resolution Honoring Chris R. Rehmann as Recipient of the Distinguished Engineer of the Year Award. Mr. Sullivan moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a vote of 7/0.



Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers – Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit for work located along Beach Thorofare, Egg Harbor Township, Atlantic County, New Jersey

Irwin Garskof, Chief, Pennsylvania Permit Section, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Public Notice announcing modifications to the Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit-2

Thomas J. Prettyman, Supervisor, Traffic Investigation Regulations – notice that the Traffic Regulation Order regarding the speed limit along Route NJ 45 in Mannington Township was approved by the Commissioner of Transportation

Stephen G. Moy, Manager, District 4 Local Aid, Department of Transportation – notice of the Fiscal Year 2003 County Aid portion of the Annual Transportation Program has been approved

George D. Warrington, Executive Director, NJ Transit Corporation – notice of Public Hearing to gather information and receive comments concerning programs developed pursuant to the Senior Citizen and Resident Transportation Assistance Act

James A. Crawford, Executive Director, South Jersey Transportation Authority – copy of May 20th meeting agenda

Morris County – resolution opposing Assembly Bill No. A-3514 which reduces funding for the farmland preservation program

Union County – resolution supporting New Jersey Assembly Bill 2753 and New Jersey Senate Bill 1924 requiring proper burial of those killed at the World Trade Center

Patricia D. Knobloch, Consultant, Cultural & Heritage Commission – letter of information clarifying the budget revision approved by the NJ State Council on the Arts

Barbara L. Uhland, CTA, County Tax Administrator – notice of officers for the 2003-2004 year

Pennsville Township – 2 resolutions: 1) resolution requesting the County of Salem install a stop sign at the intersection of Old Fort Mott Road and Lighthouse Road; and 2) resolution supporting the creation of a quality care improvement fund used to promote quality care for New Jersey nursing home residents.

Daniel J. Petrin – letter of resignation as a member of the Cultural & Heritage Commission due to employment relocation

Marie Houchin, Carney’s Point resident – letter of thanks for the Bookmobile funding and senior transportation services

Jessie Stendeff, Carney’s Point resident – letter of thanks for the Bookmobile funding


For the Month of March

Nursing Home

For the Month of April


Alternative Youth Shelter – Juveniles in Detention

Economic Development

Emergency Services


Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Advisory Council May 8th Minutes and June 12th Agenda

Community College Board of Trustees March 13th and April 10th Minutes

Inter-Agency Council May 6th General Membership and Board Minutes

Library Commission April 16th Minutes

Pollution Control Financing Authority January 7th and March 10th Minutes

Safety Committee May 12th special meeting minutes

School-to-Careers Initiative March 27th Minutes

Special Services Board of Education

WIB March 26th Minutes

Commission on Women April 8th Minutes

Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan that the Correspondence, Departmental Reports, and Committee/Commission Minutes be received and filed with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. Mrs. Bestwick requested amplification of the Pennsville two items of correspondence. The Clerk of the Board/Administrator said a copy of the Pennsville Township resolution concerning the stop sign request was forwarded to the Road Department and County Engineer. The Clerk of the Board/Administrator read the entire correspondence on quality care, which implied a request for Freeholder support. On roll call, the motion carried a vote of 7/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan that the Rules of the Board be temporarily waived for any resolution to be considered this evening, which would require it. Mr. Ware seconded his motion. The motion carried a vote of 7/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan that all Bills and Claims, when properly signed and audited, be paid and charged to their respective accounts. Motion was seconded by Mr. Ware, which was carried by a vote of 7/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan that the Treasurer's Report be received and filed and made available to the public. Motion was seconded by Mr. Ware, which was carried by a vote of 7/0.

Director Kugler requested hearing Committee resolutions by block with corresponding votes. Two resolutions concerning appointment of James Waddington to the Cultural and Heritage Commission and approving an interlocal government services agreement for inspection of Cobbs Mill Pond Dam were held for discussion in closed session. The entire board concurred.


R2003-298 Finance Resolution Cancellation of Check

R2003-299 Resolution Designating Public Agency Compliance Officer for the County of Salem

R2003-300 Resolution Expressing Support of Assembly Bill No. A3326 and Senate Bill No. S2323 Regarding the New Jersey Freedom to Fish Act

R2003-257 Resolution Authorizing Application for Funding of a Recreation Program for 2004 through the Recreational Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities Grant under the Arc of Salem County (tabled at last meeting)

Mr. Sullivan moved for adoption of these four resolutions, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.

BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE – Sullivan, Kugler, Sparks

R2003-301 Resolution in Support of Complete Restoration of Funds in the FY2004 State budget for the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, the New Jersey Historical Commission and the New Jersey Cultural Trust

The Resolution for the Appointment of a Member to the Cultural & Heritage Commission (James Waddington) was pulled from consideration for the evening's closed session. It was not reintroduced upon reconvening in open session.

R2003-302 Resolution Permitting the County of Salem to Temporarily Use a Portion of One New Market Street as a Salem County Visitors Center.

Mr. Sullivan moved for adoption of these two resolutions, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. Mr. Sparks questioned the agreement terms for the Salem County Visitors Center, "…upon such terms as shall be agreed to…" Mr. Sullivan said that the contract has passed through the Buildings and Grounds, Clerk of the Board office and Solicitor for review. The Clerk of the Board/Administrator read the terms of the two-year agreement and that 75% of the electric shall be paid by the County. Mr. Sparks said that the cost of the electric is disproportionate to the usage by the County of only a small part of the building. Mr. Simmermon asked about manning the visitor center. Mr. Sullivan said "Experience Works (formerly GreenThumb)" workers would be utilized. James Waddington, County Director of Economic Development said he was unsure of the electric costs and said that the City of Salem uses the building three evenings a month. Mr. Sparks said that he would like the agreement with Salem City to be more reciprocal due the City's usage of the Freeholder Room for years and present usage of the Old Courthouse for municipal court. Director Kugler asked for the vote on the two resolutions, which carried a vote of 5/2 with nay votes of Mr. Sparks and Mrs. Bestwick.


HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE – Bestwick, Sullivan, Bobbitt

R2003-303 Resolution Authorizing an Agreement between the Salem County Board of Chosen Freeholders and Certain Municipalities of Salem County for the Provision of Transportation Services under the Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Act, and Title XIX Funds of the Social Security Act

R2003-304 Resolution Authorizing Contract for the Administration of the Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse for the Year 2003

Mrs. Bestwick moved for adoption of these two resolutions, with Mr. Sullivan seconding her motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE – Ware, Simmermon, Sparks,

R2003-305 Resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders Authorizing Grant Application to the State of New Jersey Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor for the Prosecutor’s Office Insurance Fraud Reimbursement Program. Mr. Ware moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.


ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE – Bobbitt, Bestwick, Simmermon

R2003-306 Resolution Approving Change Order No. 2-Final Resurfacing of Elm Street, County Road #602 and South Main Street, County Road #672 in the Borough of Woodstown for the County of Salem

R2003-307 Resolution Restricting Parking Along Certain Sections of Olivet Road, County Road #690 Township of Pittsgrove, County of Salem

R2003-308 Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for the Resurfacing of South Broad Street, County Road #607 and Fort Mott Road, County Road #630 for the County of Salem

R2003-309 Resolution Authorizing the Amendment of Bridge Funding Applications under the New Jersey Department of Transportation

R2003-310 Resolution Awarding a Contract for the Rehabilitation of Hancock’s Bridge over Alloways Creek, County Bridge #1701300, County Route #658, Lower Alloways Creek Township, Salem County, New Jersey

R2003-311 Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1-Furnishing and Delivering Stone Mix Bituminous Paving Material to the County of Salem

R2003-312 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor "Richard E. Pierson Construction Company, Inc." for the Salem County Road and Bridge Department

Mr. Bobbitt moved for adoption of these seven resolutions, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.

R2003-314 Resolution Approving an Inter Local Government Services Agreement Inspection of Cobbs Mill Pond Dam. This resolution was pulled for consideration in the evening's closed session. Upon reentering open session, Mr. Bobbitt moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 5/2 with nay votes of Mr. Simmermon and Mrs. Bestwick.


PUBLIC COMMENT John Coombs of Upper Pittsgrove Township inquired if the Freeholder Board would support Morris County's resolution opposing reducing farmland preservation program funding. Director Kugler said he personally opposes reducing farmland preservation program funding and believes the Board to be in agreement.

NEW BUSINESS Mr. Simmermon requested preparation for the next meeting of a supporting resolution of the Morris County resolution opposing reducing farmland preservation program funding. Director Kugler said, "We agree."


Herb Roeschke, Department of Health postponed his presentation and will provide handouts later.


R2003-313 Resolution Authorizing the Exclusion of the Public from a Meeting of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem. At 8:08 PM, motion was made by Mr. Sullivan for adoption of this resolution with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. On roll call, the foregoing resolution carried a vote of 7/0.

Upon reconvening open session at 8:43 PM, the Board considered R2003-314 Resolution Approving an Inter Local Government Services Agreement Inspection of Cobbs Mill Pond Dam.


Mr. Sullivan moved for adjournment of the meeting, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. With the motion properly moved and seconded and approved by all seven members, the meeting adjourned at 8:44 PM.

2003 Minutes