Freeholder Director Dave Sparks Proclaims
Weights & Measures Week March 1 to 7
The Salem County Weights and Measures Department is responsible for responding to consumer complaints, regularly auditing weights & prices of retail package goods and checking weighing & measuring devices that the public comes in contact daily.
Freeholder Liaison Sue Bestwick delivering the Freeholder Proclamation to Mark Robbins, Superintendent of Salem County Weights & Measures Department. |
Sue Bestwick and Mark Robbins in front of one of the many fuel oil trucks regulated by the department. |
Robbins and Bestwick in front of the department's fluid "prover." |
Robbins explaining testing accuracy of the fuel oil truck meter (above) against the known accuracy of the "prover" tank (left photo). |
Robbins holding a lead seal which prevents tampering with fuel meters. |