March 1-7, 2001

WHEREAS,   this week marks the 90th anniversary of the first New Jersey weights and measures law being signed in 1911; and

WHEREAS,   the Salem County Weights and Measures Department is responsible for responding to consumer complaints, regularly auditing weights & prices of retail package goods and checking weighing & measuring devices that the public comes in contact daily; and

WHEREAS,   the Salem County Weights and Measures Department test store devices to assure that consumers get what they pay for and businesses do not give product away as a result of inaccurate equipment; and

WHEREAS,   tested devices include scales and price scanning equipment in retail stores, gasoline pumps, home fuel oil truck meters, taximeters and scales for industrial bottled fuels such as propane and acetylene; and

WHEREAS,   the department also checks packaged products for correct content, and label price being the same at the checkout stand.

PROCLAIMED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem, that it sets the week of March 1 through 7, 2001 as Weights and Measures Week; and be it further

PROCLAIMED that this important local consumer protection agency be promulgated to the Salem County public.

C. DAVID SPARKS, JR., Director
Board of Chosen Freeholders

WITNESSETH this Seventh day of March, Two Thousand One
Clerk of the Board/Administrator

W&M Week