September 11, 2002

From Dave Sparks, Freeholder Director

One year ago today, thousands of citizens from 80 nations lost their lives in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, aboard an airplane above the skies of Pennsylvania, and in rescue efforts on the ground. In remembrance of the September 11th attacks, I urge every County employee, if safely possible, to join with others in our great nation and around the world in a shared moment of silence at 8:45 a.m.

This September 11th may be a difficult day for our colleagues, family, and friends as we focus on the event of a year ago today. Many of us will experience a range of emotions. Yes, we will reflect upon our sorrow, relive the disbelief, shock, and even fear that we felt on this day last year. But we also know that, through this tragedy, we are united by our personal commitment to national unity, strength, and hope.

May God Bless Us and Our Great Country.

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