Salem County Board of Chosen Freeholders
94 Market Street. Salem, N.J. 08079

CONTACT: Curt Harker,
Deputy Clerk of the Board

ext 8203

August 22, 2002


SALEM -- Freeholder Director Dave Sparks announced today that County and local governments will hold a joint annual public sale of surplus property. This combined auction will take place on Saturday, September 14, 2002 beginning at 10:00 AM at the Salem County Road Department, 153 Cemetery Road, Pilesgrove, NJ.

Director Sparks said, "This popular auction should be the largest and most varied ever. Twenty-eight government, educational and authority members of the Salem County Cooperative are invited to contribute their surplus. Cars, SUV's, vans, and trucks will be available to bid on as well as wide-ranging items such as computers, printers, office furniture, copiers, lawnmowers, telephones and scrap metal."

Freeholder Sue Bestwick said, "This cooperative auction saves local governments time and tax dollars by allowing the County to organize and run this large event. The County benefits in its commitment to sharing services by the increased public attendance and brisk sales at the auction."

Well known local auctioneer Col. "Knot" Smith will proclaim the auction rules and immediately begin the public sale. It is suggested that the public arrive a little early to register to bid.

Food and drinks will be available during the event.

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