At 7:32 P.M. Director Charles R. Sullivan opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed a moment of silence, and stated that the meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.


The Oath of Office for Honorary Freeholders with terms ending 9:00 P.M. this evening was administered by County Solicitor Elaine Voyles to eighth grade students representing their respective schools: Director Sullivan mentoring Molly Duffy of Elsinboro and Tyler Bill of Upper Pittsgrove; Deputy Director Ware mentoring Amanda Jingeleski of Woodstown and Jessica Holland of Pennsville; Mrs. Timberman mentoring Staci Schoonover of Elsinboro and Brandis Satchwell of Salem; Mr. Bobbitt mentoring Ryan Bober of Pilesgrove and Josh Griscom of Mannington; Mr. Simmermon mentoring Lisa Prouse of Lower Alloways Creek and Dwayne Demby of Special Services; Mr. Sparks mentoring Julliam Padilla of Penns Grove and Chelsea Elias of Penns Grove; Mrs. Bestwick mentoring James Storm of Alloway and Clerk of the Board/Administrator Mrs. Turner-Fox mentoring Tony Vinyard of Quinton. Danielle Vieria of Oldmans and Alex W. Palatajko of Pittsgrove were not in attendance.

On roll call, the following Freeholders were present with the above named Honorary Freeholders:, Lee R. Ware, Beth E. Timberman, Bruce L. Bobbitt, R. Benjamin Simmermon, Jr., C. David Sparks, Jr., Susan A. Bestwick and Charles R. Sullivan. A quorum was present.


Motion was made by Mr. Ware's honorary freeholder that the reading of the Minutes of the January 21st regular meeting be dispensed with and that the Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book. Mr. Bobbitt's honorary freeholder seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 21/0 (Freeholders and Honorary Freeholders).


Motion was made by Mr. Ware's honorary freeholder for a waiver of the Rules of the Board. Mr. Bobbitt's honorary freeholder seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 21/0 (Freeholders and Honorary Freeholders).


R.2004-104 A "Proclamation of Honorary Freeholder" was read and their respective Freeholder mentor presented each Honorary Freeholder with a signed copy.

R.2004-105 Proclamation declaring February 10, 2004 Community Spirit Day was read.

R.2004-106 Proclamation honoring Susan Roberts founder of the Community Spirit Awards was read.

R.2004-107 Proclamation declaring February 1 to 7, 2004 Emergency Management Week was read.




Minutes from the Woodstown Planning Board - The Borough Planner to prepare a Redevelopment Area Plan.

Letter from Cresse & Carr, Esq. representing Fenwick Commons, L.L.C. with a copy of Resolution of the Penns Grove Planning Board representing the final approval for Site Plan review.

Resignation Letters received from Members of the Cultural and Heritage Commission:

Rae B. Svecz, Sharon K. Kellum, Joanne K. Owen and Carolyn Mortimer.

Letter from Patrick F. McAndrew – Mannington Township Planning Board will hold a hearing on an Application to Renew Land Mining Permit on February 12, 2004.

Letter from Tracy Carluccio of the Delaware RiverKeeper addressing a Report available – "Evaluation of Special Conditions Contained in Salem Nuclear Generating Station NJPDES Permit to Restore Wetlands, Install Fish Ladders and Increase Biological Abundance within the Delaware Estuary".

Public Notice from the US Army Corps of Engineers of Applications from:

1) Joseph E. Butler, Jr. to construct a Pier and a Dock in the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal.

2) John and Amie Benson to construct two Floating dock structures in the

Borough of Avalon

3) Jeffrey A. Wallace to construct a Platform, Pier and Dock in the Lewis and Rehoboth Canal

Letter of Resignation Received from David A. Mulford, Jr., effective February 18, 2004


January, 2004

Salem County Surrogate’s Office

Veteran’s Services & Interment


December, 2003

Salem County Library Commission Meeting Minutes from 12/17/03

Salem County Board of Social Services Meeting Minutes of 12/28/03

January, 2004

Salem County Office for the Disabled Advisory Council Meeting Minutes from 1/20/04

Salem County Utilities Authority Report and Meeting Minutes for December

Salem County Commission on Women Meeting Minutes from January 13, 2004

Motion was made by Mr. Ware's honorary freeholder that the Correspondence, Departmental Reports, and Committee/Commission Minutes be received and filed with Mr. Bobbitt's honorary freeholder seconding his motion. The motion was carried by a vote of 21/0.


Motion was made by Mr. Ware's honorary freeholder that all Bills and Claims, when properly signed and audited, be paid and charged to their respective accounts. Motion was seconded by Mr. Bobbitt's honorary freeholder, which was carried by a vote of 21/0.

Treasurer’s Report

Motion was made by Mr. Ware's honorary freeholder that the December 2003 Treasurer’s Report be received and filed, subject to audit, and that a copy be made available to the public, upon request, for its review. Mr. Bobbitt's honorary freeholder seconded his motion, which was carried by a vote of 21/0.


R.2004-108 Resolution for Late Introduction of County Budget

R.2004-109 Resolution to Exceed Index Rate: Index Rate less than 5% Limitation for the Year 2004


1) Motion for Introduction

2) Public Hearing and Adoption scheduled for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mr. Ware's honorary freeholder moved for adoption of five resolutions, with Mr. Bobbitt's honorary freeholder seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 21/0.

BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE – Sparks, Sullivan, Simmermon

R.2004-113 Resolution Supporting Tobacco Control Efforts. Mr. Sparks' honorary freeholder moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon's honorary freeholder seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 21/0.

COUNTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – Simmermon, Bestwick, Timberman

R.2004-114 Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement between Salem County Library Commission with the County of Salem for certain Building Located at Lakeview Complex. Mr. Simmermon's honorary freeholder moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick's honorary freeholder seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 21/0.


R.2004-115 Resolution Awarding a Contract for Providing Various Home Delivered Meal Services for the Salem County Office on Aging (Meals on Wheels, Inc.)

R.2004-116 Resolution Authorizing Award of Contracts for Professional Services (Helen A. Szgalsky, RN.C.,PNP)

R.2004-117 Resolution Awarding a Contract for Providing Legal Services for the Salem County Office on Aging (South Jersey Legal Services, Inc.)

R.2004-118 Resolution Appointing a Medical Director for the Salem County Nursing Home (Dr. David Bauman)

Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement between Salem County Library Commission with the County of Salem for certain Building Located at Lakeview Complex. Mrs. Bestwick's honorary freeholder moved for adoption of these four resolutions with Mr. Spark's honorary freeholder seconding with her motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 20/0/1 with Mrs. Timberman abstaining from the vote on R-2004-118.

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE – Ware, Bobbitt, Simmermon


ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE – Bobbitt, Sparks, Bestwick

R.2004-119 Resolution Approving Change Order No. 2 Rehabilitation of Two County Bridges – Hawks Bridge, County Bridge #1700200 and Husted Station-Palatine Road Bridge County Bridge #1701243 for the County of Salem

R.2004-120 Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application for the State Aid to Counties under the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund for Fiscal Year 2004

Mr. Bobbitt's honorary freeholder moved for adoption of these two resolutions, with Mr. Sparks' honorary freeholder seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 21/0.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Director Sullivan thanked the Honorary Freeholders and their parents for coming to the meeting and that they were not required to stay for the budget hearings. There was a short pause for photographs. The parents and Honorary Freeholders departed.


Budget Hearings were held:

3. Department of Health - Blanch Hogate and Herb Roeschke

4. Emergency Management Services - Carl Wentzell

5. Salem County Vo-Tech - Harry Perry, Gerri Burt and Dr. William Adams.

PUBLIC COMMENT - Director Sullivan thanked Schools to Careers Initiative Coordinator Glen Donelson and the Clerk of the Board/Administrator and Deputy Clerk of the Board for a job well done on the Job Shadow activity.

Glen Donelson thanked the Freeholder Board, School Counselors and the Clerk of the Board/Administrator and Deputy Clerk of the Board.

Mrs. Rose Smith of Pennsville spoke about bad road conditions especially along the newly paved Pointers-Auburn Road with two tire tracks and no snowfence. Mr. Ware said that the farmer property owner must approve the placement of fencing and might lose part of his crop. Mr. Bobbitt said there are bad roads and that we prioritize and do the best we can.


R.2004-121 Resolution Authorizing the Exclusion of the Public from a Meeting of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem

At 9:14 PM, a motion was made by Mr. Ware for adoption of this resolution with Mr. Bobbitt seconding his motion. Mr. Simmermon commented that Mr. Emerson Eisele of Upper Pittsgrove was in the audience and that Mr. Simmermon would schedule a meeting for the Freeholders to see Mr. Eisele's short videotape. On roll call, the foregoing resolution carried a vote of 21/0.

The Board reconvened open session at 09:38 PM.


Mr. Bobbitt moved for adjournment of the meeting, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. With the motion properly moved and seconded and approved by all seven members, the meeting adjourned at 09:39 PM.

2004 Minutes