At 7:31 PM, Director Charles R. Sullivan opened the meeting with a moment of silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Director Sullivan stated that the meeting was in compliance the Open Public Meetings Act.

On roll call, the following Freeholders were present: Lee R. Ware, Beth E. Timberman, Bruce L. Bobbitt, R. Benjamin Simmermon, Jr., C. David Sparks, Jr., Susan A. Bestwick and Charles R. Sullivan. A quorum was present.

Motion was made by Mr. Ware that the reading of the Minutes of December 29, 2003 Close Out, January 2, 2004 Reorganization, January 2, 2004 Regular meeting and January 7, 2004 Special meeting be dispensed with and that the Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book. Mr. Bobbitt seconded his motion. The motion to accept the minutes as submitted was carried by vote of 7/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Ware for a waiver of the Rules of the Board. Mr. Bobbitt seconded his motion which was carried by a vote of 7/0.

SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS There were no special recognitions.



Ms. Elaine A. Morgan, Sussex County Clerk of the Board - Resolution reappointing William Joseph as the official Town Crier for the County of Sussex for 2004.

Ms. Denise Williams, Calvary Community Development Corp – Hosting it’s third black tie (optional) Community Awards Banquet on Saturday, 2/28/2004 at 5:00 PM at the Woodbury Country Club.

Ms. Constance S. Garton, Township Clerk of Pittsgrove – Inquiring about the status of improvements at the intersection of Six Points.

Mr. James S. Gray, Clerk of the Board for Monmouth County – Resolution opposing State Assembly Bill A3773 to Control and Regulate Home Care Health and Personal Care Assistant Services.

Ms. Dorothy P. Guzzo, Administrator, NJ Department of Environmental Protection – Alloway Creek Friends Meeting House was entered onto the NJ Register of Historic Places on October 28, 2003.

Ms. Dorothy P. Guzzo, Administrator, NJ Department of Environmental Protection – Continuing Consultation comments of Protection of Historic Properties located at Route 40, Section (4) Mileposts 16.5 to 20.3 in the Township of Upper Pittsgrove and the Borough of Elmer.

Mr. James Crawford, SJ Transportation Authority – Agenda for Meeting of January 13, 2004, held at Farley Administration Building in Elwood, NJ.

Ms. Doreen Klinger, Municipal Clerk for Borough of Hamburg, NJ – Resolution urging the Governor and NJ Legislature to investigate the concept of the"NJ Smart Homestead Rebate Act" and to reform the inequitable property tax system used to fund schools in New Jersey.

Mr. Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief of Regulatory Branch, US Army Corp of Engineers – Application for a permit to repair and maintain an existing dike at Mason’s Point, Abbott Farm Rd., Elsinboro Township.

Dr. John Amrien, MD – A Letter of Resignation as Medical Director of the Salem County Nursing Home effective January 15, 2004.

Maria T. Usas – State of New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services – Notice of Grant Award – Comprehensive Alcoholism/Drug Abuse 04-539-ADA-C0. The project provides $260,476 for Subcontracted Services and Salaries. The County match totals $18,871.

Salem County Transit Community Bus Service – Audit Report for Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2003 and 2002.

Joanne Bell, Treasurer, Salem County – Providing Information Regarding Interest Earned on Deposits and Investments for Salem County during 2003.




For the Month of November, 2003:

Salem County Nursing Home

For the Month of December, 2003:

Alternative Youth Shelter

Veteran’s Service Office

Surrogate’s Office

SC Weights & Measures

Salem County Adjuster’s Report

Salem County Engineer’s Office

Emergency Management

Cumberland/Salem Workforce Investment Board (WIB)



Salem County Association of Local Government Minutes – Next Meeting to be held on January 22, 2004 – 7pm - Sakima Club, Route 130, Carney’s Point.

Salem County Board of Social Services Reorganization Meeting Announcement, January 16, 2004.

Pollution Control Financing Authority for December, 2003

Human Services Advisory Council of Salem County

Salem County Mental Health Board

Motion was made by Mr. Ware that the Correspondence, Departmental Reports, and Committee/Commission Minutes be received and filed with Mr. Bobbitt seconding his motion. The motion was carried by a vote of 7/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Ware that all Bills and Claims, when properly signed and audited, be paid and charged to their respective accounts. Motion was seconded by Mr. Bobbitt, which was carried by a vote of 7/0.

Director Sullivan requested committee block votes on resolutions which was not opposed.


R.2004-63. Resolution Awarding a Contract to Snip Internet & Communications Providing Internet Services for the County of Salem.

R.2004-64 Resolution Authorizing the Salem County Purchasing Agent to Purchase Materials, Supplies and Equipment for the County of Salem through NJ State Contracts.

R.2004-65. Finance Resolution Requesting Transfer of Funds

R.2004-66 Finance Resolution Approving Signatories for Bank Accounts

R.2004-67 Finance Resolution Amending 2004 Salem County Temporary Budget

R.2004-68 Resolution Authorizing Settlement Authority for Minor Liability Claims (Inservco Insurance Services, Inc.)

Mr. Ware moved for adoption of six resolutions, with Mr. Bobbitt seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.

BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE – Sparks, Sullivan, Simmermon

R.2004-69 Resolution Appointing Telephone Management Associates, Inc. as a Telecommunications Consultant for the County of Salem.

R.2004-70 Resolution Issuing Change Order Number One to the Contract for Alper Industries to Install a New Roof for the SC Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Shop.

Mr. Sparks moved for adoption of two resolutions, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.

COUNTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – Simmermon, Bestwick, Timberman


R.2004-71 Resolution Authorizing Contract to Nat’l Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence to provide Management Services.

R.2004-72 Resolution Awarding Contract to Northeast Treatment Center providing Various Services for Salem County Alcohol and Drug Services Office.

R.2004-73 Resolution Awarding Contract to Maryville, Inc. providing Various Services for Salem County Alcohol and Drug Services Office.

R.2004-74. Resolution Awarding Contract to Health Care Commons providing Various Services for Salem County Alcohol and Drug Services Office.

R.2004-75 Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Sysco Food Service through the NJ Hospital Association for the Purchase of Perishable and Non-Perishable Food Items, Equipment and Small Wares for the SC Nursing Home.

R.2004-76 Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Gulf South Medical Supply through the NJ Hospital Association for the Purchase of Various Medical Supplies for the SC Nursing Home.

R.2004-77 Resolution Appointing a Laboratory Services Provider for the SC Nursing Home. (Memorial Hospital of Salem County)

R.2004-78 Resolution Appointing a Medical Services Provider for the SC Nursing Home. (Memorial Hospital of Salem County)

R.2004-79 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from NJ State Contract Vendor Abbott Laboratories, Inc. for the SC Nursing Home.

R.2004-80 Resolution Appointing a Pharmacy Consultant Services Provider for the SC Nursing Home. (Certified Consultant Pharmacists, Inc.)

R.2004-81 Resolution Appointing a Medical Records Consultant for the SC Nursing Home. (Nancie K. Martin, R.R.A)

R.2004-82 Resolution Appointing a Hospice Care Services Provider for the SC Nursing Home. (Hospice of Salem County)

R.2004-83 Resolution Appointing a Medicare/Medicaid Cost Report Provider for the SC Nursing Home. (Hubco Healthcare Group)

R.2004-84 Resolution Awarding a Contract to Maryville, Inc. Providing Various Services for the SC Alcohol and Drug Services Office.

R.2004-85 Resolution Awarding a Contract to Palumbo’s Med-Rite Pharmacy for Pharmaceutical Services for the Salem County Nursing Home.

R.2004-86. Resolution Appointing an Administrative Services Provider for the Salem County Nursing Home. (Complete Healthcare Resources)

R.2004-87 Resolution Authorizing an Agreement Between the Salem County Board of Chosen Freeholders and B. R. Williams, Inc. for the Provision of Out-of-County Medical Transportation to Senior Citizens and Disabled Residents and Assisted Transportation to Senior Citizens of Salem County.

Mrs. Bestwick moved for adoption of seventeen resolutions, with Mrs. Timberman seconding her motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE – Ware, Bobbitt, Simmermon

R.2004-88 Resolution Appointing Pharm RX Consultants, Inc. as a Pharmacy Consultant Services Provider for the SC Correctional Facility.

R.2004-89 Resolution Appointing Richard Cohen Associates as a Psychological Services Provider for the SC Correctional Facility.

R.2004-90 Resolution Appointing The Memorial Hospital of Salem County as a Medical Services Provider for the SC Correctional Facility.

R.2004-91 Resolution Appointing The Memorial Hospital of Salem County as a Laboratory Services Provider for the SC Correctional Facility.

R.2004-92 Resolution Awarding a Contract to Palumbo’s Med-Rite Pharmacy to Provide Pharmaceutical Services for the SC Correctional Facility.

R.2004-93 Resolution Exercising an Optional Third Contract Year for an Existing Contract with Dentrust Dental Int’l, Inc. for Providing Inmate Dental Care for the SC Correctional Facility.

R.2004-94 Resolution Awarding an Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services Contract for Warrant Processing Services for the Salem County Prosecutor’s Office. (Robert Fisher)

Mr. Ware moved for adoption of seven resolutions, with Mr. Bobbitt seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.


R.2004-95 Resolution Authorizing Subordination of Mortgage Held by Salem County to Secure Finance Loan.

R.2004-96 Resolution Approving Salem County’s Smart Growth Plan Authoring the Submission of the Plan to the State Planning Commission for Plan Endorsement.

R.2004-97 Resolution Amending a Professional Services Agreement with Ron Ruckenstein and Associates for South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO) Workplan.

R.2004-98 Resolution Appointing Members to the Salem County Advisory Solid Waste Council.

R.2004-99 Resolution Appointing Members to the Salem County Utilities Authority

R.2004-100 Resolution Re-Affirming an Appointment of a Member to the Cumberland/Salem Workforce Investment Board (WIB)

Mrs. Timberman moved for adoption of six resolutions, with Mr. Sparks seconding her motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.

ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE – Bobbitt, Sparks, Bestwick

R.2004-101 Resolution Authorizing the Award of a Professional Services Contract for Construction Management/Inspection Services. (Fralinger Engineering, P.A.)

R.2004-102 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Land Use Regulation Permits for Course’s Landing Rd Bridge, County Bridge #1704000 in Pilesgrove, Carney’s Point and Mannington Township.

Mr. Bobbitt moved for adoption of two resolutions, with Mr. Sparks seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a vote of 7/0.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business.


Mayor Jack Cimprich of Upper Pittsgrove spoke of the County bonding Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) for farmland preservation. He said that the County's six hundred twenty five thousand dollars ($625,000.00) should cover the costs of the bond. He said the group represented a bipartisan group of mayors from the eastern part of the County. He introduced Andrew Buzby of the Salem County Agriculture Development Board.

Smart Growth Plan - County Planner Ron Rukenstein introduced Joe XXXXX and Ms. Cara Azariah of the Office of Smart Growth. Mr. XXXX spoke of "plan endorsement" of identifying areas of need and commented on by respective stakeholders on funding, permitting and endorsements. He said the process of plan endorsement began last June 2003 with a draft being on website He said comments were still being received. He said regional planning includes CAFRA and farmland preservation. Ms. Cara Azariah introduced herself as the Salem County representative. Freeholder Director Sullivan thanked them.

Patty Burns said that although she agrees with the County plan to utilize Route 295 corridor for economic development it may have limited growth due to wetlands and floodplains.

Rancy XXXX of the Woodstown-Pilesgrove Environmental Commission was looking for funding to work on open space and other issues. County Planner Ron Rukenstein said that the County provides technical assistance.

Mayor Asay of Mannington said that the aforementioned County bond idea was non-partisan and would result in the expansion of funds up front giving lots of bang for the buck.

Joe Sorbello of Pilesgrove said he commends the Cimprich plan. He requested that the Salem County Economic Development Director have specific guidance on the plan being developed.

Mayor James Kates of Quinton said that the symbol of the County is the horse and plow. He said that the Freeholders' investment in Oldmans Township should be balanced by investment in the eastern section of the County of farmland preservation, which is what they want.

Mayor Pete Voros of Pittsgrove said that the farmland bond would speed the benefits up.

Jean Jack of Woodstown, President of Preservation Salem said to be aggressive to preserve the County.

New Jersey GASP (Group Against Smoking Pollution)

Local GASP representatives spoke of their program

County Public Health Officer Herb Roeschke of Alloway spoke about XXXXX

Note: tape turned over 0820 PM.

Betsy Bennett of Wilmington, DE said she coordinated Salem County efforts.

Fred Nicolosi of Penns Grove said he was chair XXXXX.

Charles Washington said he was the REBEL (Reaching Everyone By Exposing Lies) youth coordinator for Salem City Schools. He spoke of the students efforts. Students gave presentations of store compliance checks against underage smoking, personal letter of REBEL's effect and eight resolution government might take to lessen smoking.

GASP representative presented a menu of suggestions for consideration. She asked Freeholder Sparks to work with them.

Director Sullivan asked Freeholder Sparks to look into the suggestions and feed back to the Board. Freeholder Sparks said he would.

NEW BUSINESS: BUDGET REVIEW SESSIONS - Dr. Andrews of the Special Services School District gave a historical and operational overview of the district. He explained various programs. He said funding was from both the Freeholders and School Districts with none from the State. He requested the same Freeholder level of support as last year. Freeholder Ware said he was a past liaison to the District and offered high praise for the programs. Director Sullivan said the District did a fine job and appreciates their filling a need.

R.2004-103 Resolution Authorizing the Exclusion of the Public from a Meeting of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem

At 8:45 PM, a motion was made by Mr. Ware for adoption of this resolution with Mr. Bobbitt seconding his motion. On roll call, the foregoing resolution carried a vote of 7/0.

The Board reconvened open session at 09:29 PM.


Mr. Bobbitt moved for adjournment of the meeting, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. With the motion properly moved and seconded and approved by all seven members, the meeting adjourned at 09:29 PM.

2004 Minutes