At 07:34 P.M. Director C. David Sparks, Jr. opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. The Pledge of Allegiance followed a moment of silence.

On roll call, the following Freeholders were present: Charles R. Sullivan, Lee R. Ware, Michael H. Facemyer, R. Benjamin Simmermon, Jr., Susan A. Bestwick and C. David Sparks, Jr. Mr. Kugler was absent. A quorum was present.

Motion was made by Mr. Facemyer that the reading of the Minutes of the last regular meeting be dispensed with and that the Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 6/0.


Proclamation for Weights & Measures Week was presented by Mrs. Bestwick to Superintendent Mark Robbins.

R.2001-153 Resolution Commending & Recognizing the Penns Grove Rotary Club on its 75th Anniversary. Mr. Facemyer moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 6/0.



Marlene A. Verniero, Director, Office of Waiver and Program Administration, Department of Health and Senior Services letter announcing that Commissioner Grant has authorized continuation of the funding to support NJEASE sites efforts to develop their care coordination system

Ira G. Megdal, Cozen and OConnor, Attorneys at Law copy of a Notice of Filing of Petition Proposing a decreased rate and of public hearing in the matter of the South Jersey Gas Company to decrease the level of its remediation adjustment clause

Jennifer Male, Quinton Elementary School Counselor decal, certificate of appreciation and letter of thanks for participating in the "2001 Ground Hog Job Shadow Day"

Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit located at existing Blue Water Marina within Crook Horn Creek, Ocean City, Cape May County to perform hydraulic maintenance dredging

Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit located at Atlantic County, Atlantic City, Atlantic City Expressway for the construction of three new pole signs within uplands

Mel Martinez, US Department of Housing and Urban Development letter informing that the Salem Housing Authority has been awarded funding under the FY 2000 Capital Fund and the Public Housing Drug Elimination Program in the amounts of $526,493 and $59140 respectively

Timothy G. Chelius, Executive Director, South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization copy of the Draft 2025 Regional Transportation Plan

Fernando E. Armstrong, US Census Bureau letter indicating that the results of the Census 2000 will be released in the next few months and available in several data products

Joyce Miller, Triad Associates Program Administrator February Progress Report

Salem County Vo-Tech Board of Vocational Education copy of the Vo-Tech newsletter

Patricia M. Sheats, Administrative Assistant, PSEG copy of the PSEG Nuclear Outlook

Parker, McCay & Criscuolo, P.A., Bond Counsel copy of the resolution of the Pollution Control Financing Authority of Salem County Authorizing the issuance and sale of its pollution control revenue refunding bonds, 2001 series a (PSEG Power LLC project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $25,000,000; and authorizing certain actions in connection therewith

Atlantic County resolution supporting passage of Assembly Bill A-2580, which requires consent of governing bodies prior to governmentally owned property can be considered for inclusion in New Jersey Register of Historic Places

Camden County resolution urging the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to take immediate action to preserve competition in the deregulated market for electricity in New Jersey

Middlesex County resolution supporting passage of Assembly Bill A-2580, which requires consent of governing bodies prior to governmentally owned property can be considered for inclusion in New Jersey Register of Historic Places

Middlesex County resolution supporting passage of Senate Bill S-1472 re: establishment of New Jersey Individual Development Account Program

Patricia Egan Jones, Camden County Surrogate letter of congratulations on the great additions to the South Jersey Power Cooperative

Stephen M. Sweeney, Director, Gloucester County Freeholders letter asking to join with Gloucester County to take a proactive lead to protect the potable water supply of our four county area

Sherada Rempe letter of her resignation a member of the Cultural and Heritage Commission

Frances Hyson letter of her resignation as a member of the Salem County Transportation Advisory Council for Casino Revenues

Anthony DiRienzo letter of his resignation as a member of the Board of Social Services due to a residency change effective April 1st 2001

Maggie Vaughan Mailley, Coordinator, Advisory Committee on Alcohol and Drug Abuse copy of the revised meeting schedule

Barbara Collins, Tax Administrator copy of the Preliminary Equalization Table for the County of Salem for the Year 2001


For the Month of January

Health Department

For the Month of February


Alternative Youth Shelter

Economic Development

Emergency Services


Ag Development Board January 24th Minutes & February 28th Minutes

Community College Board of Trustees January 25th Minutes

Office of the Disabled Advisory Council February 20th Minutes

Inter-Agency Council February 6th General Membership Minutes & Board Minutes

Mental Health Board February 24th Special Agenda

Mosquito Commission February 13th Minutes

Office on Aging Advisory Council February 20th Minutes

Planning Board February 20th Agenda

Special Services School District January 16th Minutes

Commission on Women February 13th Minutes

Motion was made by Mr. Facemyer that the Correspondence, Departmental Reports, and Committee/Commission Minutes be received and filed with letters of gratitude for service be sent to Sherada Rempe, Frances Hyson, and Anthony DiRienzo. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 6/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Facemyer that the Rules of the Board be temporarily waived for any resolution to be considered this evening, which would require it. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion. The motion carried by a hand vote of 6/0.

Director Sparks requested resolutions be read by block (committee).


R.2001-154 Emergency Temporary Resolution Prior to Adoption of Budget County of Salem

R.2001-155 Resolution Authorizing Submission of REAP Application to the Department of Community Affairs

Mr. Facemyer moved for adoption of these two resolutions, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 6/0.


COUNTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Bestwick, Sullivan, Sparks

HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Sullivan, Bestwick, Simmermon

R.2001-156 Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract for Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services (AIDS Coalition of Southern New Jersey, Inc.)

R.2001-157 Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence of Southwest Jersey, Inc. for the Management of the Salem county Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) for the Year 2001

R.2001-158 Resolution Authorizing Contract for the Administration of the Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse for the Year 2001

R.2001-159 Resolution for the Appointment of a Member to the Salem County Transportation Advisory Council for Casino Revenues

Mr. Sullivan moved for adoption of these four resolutions, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 6/0.

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Ware, Simmermon, Kugler

R.2001-160 Resolution Appointing a Medical Services Provider for the Salem County Juvenile Detention Center. Mr. Ware moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 6/0.


R.2001-161 Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement for a Phase I Archeological Survey to "R. Alan Mounier, Archaeologist"

R.2001-162 Resolution Awarding a Contract for the Erection of a 400,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank Oldmans Township, Salem County

R.2001-163 Resolution Appointing Members to the Watershed Management Area 17 Task Force

Mr. Ware moved for adoption of these three resolutions, with Mr. Facemyer seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2001-164 Resolution Awarding a Contract for Supplying and Delivering Railroad Track Materials for the County of Salem. Mr. Ware moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Facemyer seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 6/0.

ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE Simmermon, Bestwick, Facemyer

R.2001-165 Resolution Permitting Special Event Parking Collin Raye Concert Along Hollywood Avenue, County Road #618. Mr. Simmermon moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 6/0.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS - There were no Freeholder comments.

NEW BUSINESS - There were no Freeholder comments.

PUBLIC COMMENT - Jim Timberman of Salem VFW Post 153 read a statement requesting support to name the future replacement Salem-Pennsville bridge, "Salem County Veterans Memorial Bridge." Director Sparks said the Freeholder Board would support the request to the State.


R.2001-166 Resolution Authorizing the Exclusion of the Public from a Meeting of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem. . Mr. Facemyer moved for adoption of this resolution at 7:53 P.M., with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 6/0.


The Freeholder Board reconvened the Public Session at 8:32 P.M. Motion was made by Mr. Facemyer to adjourn the meeting, with Mr. Ware seconding. There being no questions on the motion, all Freeholders rose for a 6/0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:33 P.M.

RITA SHADE SIMPSON, Clerk of the Board/Administrator

2001 Meeting Minutes