At 07:32 P.M. Director C. David Sparks, Jr. opened the meeting and requested a moment of silence in followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He stated that the meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.

On roll call, the following Freeholders were present: Charles R. Sullivan, Lee R. Ware, Michael H. Facemyer, R. Benjamin Simmermon, Jr., John A. Kugler, Susan A. Bestwick and C. David Sparks, Jr. A quorum was present.

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the reading of the Minutes of the last regular meeting be dispensed with and that the Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book. Mr. Facemyer seconded his motion, which motion was carried by a hand vote of 7/0.

SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS - There were no special recognitions.



Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit located along the Salem River on Sinnickson Landing Road, Elsinboro Township, Salem County

Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit located along the Indian River, Rehoboth Bay, Sussex County, Delaware

Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit located along Lingo Creek, Pot-Nets Bayside, Sussex County, Delaware

Jane F. Kelly, Assistant Commissioner, Office of Legislative and External Affairs - News Release regarding the drought warning issued for the Delaware River Basin Area

Patricia M. Sheats, Administrative Assistant, PSEG publication regarding Nuclear on Security

David C. Heins, Director, Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development announcement of the availability of funding for the Mini Child Care Center Start-Up Initiative 2002 Request for Proposals

Atlantic City Electric Company, doing business as Conectiv Power Delivery and New RC, Inc. Public Notice of filing of a joint petition for a proposed change in ownership and acquisition of control of Atlantic City Electric Company, and notice of Public Hearing thereon


New Jersey Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics State Airport System Plan


U.S. Department of Agriculture Salem/Gloucester Center Farm Service Agency/Natural Resources Conservation Service/Rural Development Service Center Newsletter


City of Bridgeton, Cumberland County resolution opposing the merger of Conectiv Energy and Potomac Electric Power unless there is equal representation from the County of Cumberland and the remainder of Southern New Jersey


Preservation Salem, Inc. Preservation Salem News


New Jersey Historical Commission New Jersey Gazette


Health Department notice and location of next West Nile Virus Meeting




For the Month of October

Alternative Youth Shelter

For the Month of November

Complete Care Services Environmental Summary Report

Economic Development




Cultural and Heritage Commission November 15th Minutes and notice of next meeting

Office for the Disabled Advisory Council November 20th Minutes

Improvement Authority September 10th Minutes

Library Commission November 14th Minutes

Special Services Board of Education September 18th & October 29th Minutes

Commission on Women November 13th Minutes

Youth Services Commission & Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition November 7th Minutes


Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the Correspondence, Departmental Reports, and Committee/Commission Minutes be received and filed. Mr. Facemyer seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 7/0.


Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the Rules of the Board be waived for this meeting. Mr. Facemyer seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 7/0.


Director Sparks requested reading and Board action on resolutions by committee block. The entire Freeholder Board concurred.





Payment of Bills & Claims (motion)



R.2001-525 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor Executive Business Products for the Offices of the Clerk of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Salem County



R.2001-526 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor Steelcase Incorporated for the Salem County Purchasing Department



R.2001-527 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor Stylex Incorporated for the Salem County Purchasing Department



R.2001-528 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor Executive Business Products for the Salem County Purchasing Department



R.2001-529 Resolution Authorizing Change in Meeting Time for Regular Freeholder Meeting of Thursday, December 27, 2001 in Compliance with the Open Public Meeting Law



R.2001-530 Finance Resolution Requesting Transfer of Funds



R.2001-531 Resolution Authorizing the Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem to Approve of a Construction Management Agreement on Behalf of the County of Salem. Mr. Kugler commented that the attached agreement will be corrected and that County Counsel and Purchasing Agent will review and approve the corrections before execution of County signatures. Legal Counsel elaborated on the purpose of the Agreement.


Mr. Kugler moved for adoption of the payment motion and seven resolutions, with Mr. Facemyer seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 7/0.




R.2001-532 Resolution Awarding a Contract for Supplying and Delivering Number Two Fuel Oil for the Salem County Cooperative Pricing System Number 75-SCCPS. Mr. Facemyer moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 7/0.



COUNTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Bestwick, Sullivan, Sparks

R.2001-533 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor Steelcase Incorporated for the Salem County Board of Elections



R.2001-534 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor Stylex Incorporated for the Salem County Board of Elections



R.2001-535 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor Executive Business Products for the Salem County Board of Elections



R.2001-536 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor Executive Business Products for the Salem County Board of Elections



R.2001-537 Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract for Providing General Election Sample Ballots Absentee Ballots and Provisional Ballots for the Salem County Board of Elections



R.2001-538 Resolution Awarding a Contract for Furnishing One (1) New 2002 Ford F250 Truck (or equivalent) for the County of Salem.


Mrs. Bestwick moved for adoption of these six resolutions, with Mr. Sullivan seconding her motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 7/0.



HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Sullivan, Bestwick, Simmermon

R.2001-539 Resolution Authorizing an Agreement Between New Jersey Transit and the Salem County Board of Chosen Freeholders for Funding of the Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Act



R.2001-540 Resolution Revising an Agreement Between the Salem County Board of Chosen Freeholders and Certain Municipalities of Salem County for the Provision of Transportation Services Under the Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Act, and Title XIX of the Social Security Act



R.2001-541 Resolution Awarding a Contract for Furnishing Two New 2002 Raised Roof Vans or Minibuses with Rear Lift Minimum of 12,300 # GVWR for the County of Salem.


Mr. Sullivan moved for adoption of these three resolutions, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 7/0.



JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Ware, Simmermon, Kugler




R.2001-542 Resolution Authorizing the Freeholder Director and the Clerk of the Board to Approve the Application for a Special Legislative Grant for 9-1-1 in Salem County. Mr. Kugler moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 7/0.



ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE Simmermon, Bestwick, Facemyer

R.2001-543 Resolution Awarding a Contract for the 2001 Safety Program Bridge Guide Rail Replacement at Various Locations through the County of Salem. Mr. Simmermon moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 7/0.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS - There were no Freeholder comments.

NEW BUSINESS - Mr. Kugler wished everyone holiday greetings, which was echoed by all.

PUBLIC COMMENT - There were no public comments.

CLOSED SESSION There was no closed session.

MOTION TO ADJOURN Motion was made by Mr. Kugler to adjourn the meeting, with Mr. Facemyer seconding. There being no questions on the motion, all Freeholders rose for a 7/0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 07:43 P.M.

2001 Meeting Minutes