At 04:05 P.M. Director C. David Sparks, Jr. opened the meeting and requested a moment of silence in followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He stated that the meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.


On roll call, the following Freeholders were present: Charles R. Sullivan, Lee R. Ware, Michael H. Facemyer, R. Benjamin Simmermon, Jr., John A. Kugler, Susan A. Bestwick and C. David Sparks, Jr. A quorum was present.



Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the reading of the Minutes of the last regular meeting be dispensed with and that the Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book. Mr. Facemyer seconded his motion, which motion was carried by a hand vote of 7/0.



Bond Ordinance No. 2001-01 Ordinance Providing for Capital Improvements of the County of Salem, State of New Jersey, Appropriating the Aggregate Amount of $825,000.00 Consisting of an Amount Currently Appropriated in the County of Salem Adopted Budget which will be Reserved in the County of Salem General Capital Fund.


Motion was made by Mr. Kugler to Open Public Hearing. Mr. Facemyer seconded his motion, which motion was carried by hand vote of 7/0. There were no public comments.

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler to Close Public Hearing. Mr. Facemyer seconded his motion, which motion was carried by hand vote of 7/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler to Adopt Bond Ordinance 2001-01. Mr. Facemyer seconded his motion, which motion was carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the Rules of the Board be waived for this meeting. Mr. Facemyer seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 7/0.




R.2001-544 Resolution Honoring Robert C. Layton for His Long Public Service. Mr. Kugler moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Facemyer seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 7/0. Deputy Director Kugler made the presentation. Mr. Layton spoke of his pleasure in public service.



R.2001-545 Resolution Congratulating Lee R. Ware on His Induction into the Salem County Sports Hall of Fame. Mr. Kugler moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Facemyer seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 7/0. Deputy Director Kugler made the presentation. Mr. Ware said he was surrounded by good people who are supportive of the athletic games.





Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit located along White Creek, Bethany Marina Townhomes, Ocean View, Sussex County, Delaware


Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit located at the Summit North Marina in Summit Harbor along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal in New Castle County, Delaware


Robert C. Shinn, Jr., Commissioner, Department of Environmental Protection letter announcing the County to receive approximately $10,811 for the Clean Communities Program because the State Legislature has not yet reauthorized the program


Robert Goslin, Director, Division of Local Government Services and Economic Development, Department of Transportation copy of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Transportation Enhancement program brochure and application


John Ford Evans, Esq. legal notification that an application will be submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Land Use Regulation Program for a permit to construct a sheet pile wall


Patricia M. Sheats, Administrative Assistant, PSEG copy of the PSEG Nuclear Outlook, Volume 3, Issue 16


Patricia M. Sheats, Administrative Assistant, PSEG copy of the PSEG Nuclear Outlook, Volume 3, Issue 17


Robert Grzyb, Director, Office of Finance, Department of Human Services copy of the approved Calendar Year 2002 Private Patient Rates


James A. Crawford, Executive Director, South Jersey Transportation Authority copy of the December 18th Commission agenda


David C. Rollison, RMA, Certified Public Accountant, Bowman & Company copy of the Salem County Improvement Authority June 30, 2001 Audit Report


Borough of Beach Haven, Ocean County - resolution encouraging the legislature of New Jersey to pass legislation allowing school districts to observe a moment of silence


Borough of Surf City, Ocean County resolution encouraging the legislature of New Jersey to pass legislation allowing school districts to observe a moment of silence


Robert N. Kline letter of resignation as a member of the Construction Board of Appeals due to his retirement from business


Mary Lou Timberman letter of resignation from the Commission on Women


New Jersey Aviation Association copy of the Final Approach newsletter


Family Service Association copy of the Community Connection newsletter


Girl Scouts of the South Jersey Pines copy of the Family and Friends newsletter


Battleship New Jersey Foundation, Inc. copy of the Battleship Bulletin BB-62


Environmental Law Institute copy of the Annual Report 2000


National Association of Counties copy of County News


Salem Main Street copy of the Standing Together newsletter


Mannington Township Notice of hearing to be held on January 10, 2002 before Mannington Township Planning Board




For the Month of October

Fire Marshal & Deputies

For the Month of November


Alternative Youth Shelter Juveniles in Detention and Expenditure/Population Statistics

Emergency Services

Fire Marshal & Deputies

Weights & Measures

For the Month of December

Court Security Committee Meeting Minutes




Community College Board of Trustees list of 2002 meeting dates

Inter-Agency Council December 4th General Membership Minutes & Board Minutes

Board of Social Service Notice of Special Meeting for Reorganization

Youth Services Commission & Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition December 5th Agenda


Director Sparks requested reading and Board action on resolutions by committee block. The Freeholder Board concurred.




Treasurers Report (motion)



R.2001-546 Resolution Supporting the Sale of The Memorial Hospital of Salem County, Inc. to Community Health Systems, Inc.



R.2001-547 Finance Resolution Cancellation of Checks



R.2001-548 Resolution Extending Certain Benefits to County Employees Called to Active Military Duty under President Bushs Executive Order 13223



R.2001-549 Resolution Approving "Sublease Agreement Between the County of Salem and Sprint Spectrum, L.P., a Delaware Corporation"



R.2001-550 Resolution Setting Job Classification Titles and Ranges for 2001



R.2001-551 Finance Resolution Cancellation of Checks



R.2001-552 Finance Resolution Cancellation of Checks



R.2001-553 Finance Resolution Cancellation of Funds



R.2001-554 Finance Resolution Requesting Transfer of Funds


Mr. Kugler moved for adoption of this motion and nine resolutions, with Mr. Facemyer seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing motion and resolutions carried a hand vote of 7/0.






COUNTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Bestwick, Sullivan, Sparks



HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Sullivan, Bestwick, Simmermon

R.2001-555 Resolution Requesting a No-Cost Time Extension Budget Modification of the 2000 County Environmental Health Act Contract



R.2001-556 Resolution Requesting No-Cost Time Extension Budget Modification of the 2001 County Environmental Health Act Contract



R.2001-557 Resolution to Revise Schedule of Environmental Fees to be Charged by the Salem County Department of Health



R.2001-558 Resolution Authorizing Freeholder Director and Clerk of the Board to Sign Application for 2002 Public Health Priority Funding Health Services Grant



R.2001-559 Resolution Establishing the Daily Rate Charge for Private Patients at the Salem County Nursing and Convalescent Home


Mr. Sullivan moved for adoption of these five resolutions, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 7/0.


Mr. Sullivan commented that the Nursing Home daily rates are kept ahead of State Medicare level to avoid refunds.



JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Ware, Simmermon, Kugler




R.2001-560 Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application for a Scrap Tire Pile Remediation Fund Grant



R.2001-561 Resolution Appointing Salem County Director of Emergency Services


Mr. Kugler moved for adoption of these two resolutions, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 7/0.



ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE Simmermon, Bestwick, Facemyer


R.2001-562 Resolution Approving of "Water & Sewer Agreement Between the County of Salem and the City of Salem". Mr. Sparks moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 7/0.




UNFINISHED BUSINESS There were no Freeholder comments.



NEW BUSINESS There were no Freeholder comments.



PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Mack Lake thanked the Freeholder Board for his appointment as Director of Emergency Services.





R.2001-563 Resolution Authorizing the Exclusion of the Public from a Meeting of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem for a Personnel Issue. Mr. Kugler moved for adoption of this resolution at 4:22 P.M., with Mr. Facemyer seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 7/0.


R.2001-564 Resolution Authorizing Modification to the Plan Document. Mr. Kugler moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Ware seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 7/0.



MOTION TO ADJOURN Motion was made by Mr. Facemyer to adjourn the meeting, with Mr. Kugler seconding. There being no questions on the motion, all Freeholders said "Aye" for a 7/0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 4:56 P.M.

2001 Meeting Minutes