At 07:34 P.M. Deputy Director John A. Kugler opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. The Pledge of Allegiance followed a moment of silence.

On roll call, the following Freeholders were present: Charles R. Sullivan, Lee R. Ware, Michael H. Facemyer, R. Benjamin Simmermon, Jr., Susan A. Bestwick and John A. Kugler. Director C. David Sparks, Jr. was absent. A quorum was present.

Motion was made by Mr. Facemyer that the reading of the Minutes of the last regular meeting be dispensed with and that the Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 6/0.


Proclamation National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. Mrs. Bestwick presented the proclamation to Jack Ayars of the Emergency Services Department.

Year 2001 honorees selected by the Salem County Commission on Woman to receive Certificates of Appreciation from the Board of Freeholders was read. Honorees are Virginia Boardman, June Hale Elwell, Laura Jean DeMaris, Joan Hassler and Louise Moore.

R.2001-179 Resolution Recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the Pennsville Little League. Mr. Facemyer moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2001-180 Resolution Honoring Charles S. Raleigh, Jr. Mr. Facemyer moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 6/0.



Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit located in and along Crook Horn Thorofare (Peck Bay) in Upper Township, Cape May County to construct a system of floating docks to moor 19 personal water craft (jet-ski boats)

Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit located along the Cohansey River in the City of Bridgeton, Cumberland County to widen the boat ramp to accommodate a new walkway; extending a timber floating dock for connection with the new walkway; and replacing and extending the existing bulkhead approximately along the mean high water line

Frank J. Cianfrani, Chief, Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice to solicit comments and recommendations concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit located at the Port of Wilmington, in the City of Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware to install a mooring dolphin with associated catwalks and utilities

Pamela M. Bush, Assistant General Counsel & Commission Secretary, Delaware River Basin Commission notice of applications received from sponsors for project approval pursuant to Section 3.8, Article 11 and/or Article 10.3 of the Delaware River Basin Compact

Janice Bocchicchio, Regional Sales Manager, Niagara Mohawk Energy Marketing, Inc. letter advising that due to a higher market price for the year 2001, Niagara Mohawk is unable to renew contract at a price that will save money on electric costs and that Conectiv will take over after April 7, 2001

Bruce Stout, Executive Director, Juvenile Justice Commission copy of the 2000 juvenile detention statistics

Catherine Tormey, Assistant Commissioner, Compliance and Enforcement, Department of Environmental Protection letter advising the award in the amount of $96,880 to the Health Department to support delegated environmental health activities during calendar year 2001

Glenn Nickerson, Recording Secretary, Southern New Jersey Freeholders Association resolution endorsing pending legislation which would provide $10 million to New Jersey Counties to fight West Nile Virus

Hunterdon County proclamation recognizing April 22 through 28, 2001 as National Volunteer Week

Highlands Coalition News from ANJEC High Ground newsletter

U.S. Department of Agriculture Salem/Gloucester Service Center Rural Development Service Center Newsletter

Preservation Salem, Inc. workshop agenda in celebration of National Preservation Week

John D. Jordan, Solicitor, Oldmans Township letter regarding drainage along County Road No. 643 and asking the County or appropriate agency to review situation and take necessary action to improve drainage

Stephen J. Lynch, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Vo-Tech copy of the annual budget resolutions and meeting of the Board of School Estimate scheduled for April 4, 2001 at 7:00 PM

Steve Ware, President of Salem County Prosecutors Office Detectives and Investigators Association letter informing the Board that the Prosecutors Office Detectives and Investigators Assoc. has ratified the pending 1999-2002 contract and would like it placed on April 4th agenda for approval

Jeremy Crawford letter inviting the Board to attend the Troop 38 Eagle Court of Honor on April 29, 2001


For the Month of February

Health Department

Planning Board

For the Month of March

Economic Development

Emergency Services


Ag Development Board March 28th Agenda & Treasurers Report

Office of the Disabled Advisory Council March 20th Minutes

Mental Health Board March 21 Agenda and Report; and February 14th Report

Mosquito Commission March 12th Minutes

Mosquito Commission April 4th West Nile Virus Meeting Agenda

Salem Community College Board of Trustees March 1st Minutes

Special Services Board of Education February 20th Minutes

Youth Services & Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition March 7th Minutes

Motion was made by Mr. Facemyer that the Correspondence, Departmental Reports, and Committee/Commission Minutes be received and filed. Mrs. Bestwick seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 6/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Facemyer that the Rules of the Board be temporarily waived for any resolution to be considered this evening, which would require it. Mrs. Bestwick seconded his motion. The motion carried by a hand vote of 6/0.

Deputy Director Kugler requested resolutions be read by block (committee).


R.2001-181 Resolution Authorizing Change in Meeting Time for Regular Freeholder Meeting of Wednesday, May 16, 2001 in Compliance with the Open Public Meeting Law

R.2001-182 Resolution Amending 2001 Temporary Budget County of Salem

R.2001-183 Emergency Temporary Resolution Prior to Adoption of Budget County of Salem

Mr. Facemyer moved for adoption of these three resolutions, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 6/0.


COUNTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Bestwick, Sullivan, Sparks

HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Sullivan, Bestwick, Simmermon

R.2001-184 Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract for Addiction Treatment Services

R.2001-185 Resolution Authorizing the Freeholder Director and the Clerk of the Board to Approve the Application for the Reduction in the Use of Tobacco Grant

R.2001-186 Resolution Authorizing the Freeholder Director and the Clerk of the Board to Approve the Renewal Application for the New Jersey Cancer Education and Early Detection Services for Salem County

R.2001-187 Resolution Authorizing the County of Salem to Support Assembly Bill 2861 and Companion Senate Bill 1698 Concerning State and County Mosquito Control Plans

Mr. Sullivan moved for adoption of these four resolutions, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 6/0.

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Ware, Simmermon, Kugler

R.2001-188 Resolution Authorizing the Freeholder Director and Clerk of the Board to Execute Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the Salem County Prosecutor and the Salem County Prosecutors Office Detectives & Investigators Association. Mr. Ware moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 4/0 with Mr. Ware and Mr. Facemyer abstaining.


ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE Simmermon, Bestwick, Facemyer

R.2001-189 Resolution Awarding a Contract for Bituminous Concrete Testing & Inspection Services for the County of Salem

R.2001-190 Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement for the Preparation of Final Engineering Plans and Right-of-Way Acquisition Plans for the Olivet Intersection in Pittsgrove Township, to "Michael Baker, Jr., Inc."

R.2001-191 Resolution to Support the Purchase of Right-of-Way on One (1) Salem County Property for the Reconstruction of the Aldine-Shirley Road Project (Elisabeth C. Garrison)

R.2001-192 Resolution to Support the Purchase of Right-of-Way on One (1) Salem County Property for the Reconstruction of the Aldine-Shirley Road Project (Glendon S. Coleman and Elizabeth F. Coleman)

R.2001-193 Resolution to Support the Purchase of Right-of-Way on One (1) Salem County Property for the Reconstruction of the Aldine-Shirley Road Project (Cortland S. Coleman)

R.2001-194 Resolution Designating Officers of the Salem County Construction Board of Appeals Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:23A-1.2(g) and (h)

R.2001-195 Resolution Certifying Title to Greenwich Street, County Road #540 Alloway Township.

Mr. Simmermon moved for adoption of these seven resolutions, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 6/0.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr. Simmermon thanked Today's Sunbeam Newspaper Managing Editor Bill Gallo Jr. and reporter Tracy Wiggins for the comprehensive articles reporting on the West Nile virus.

NEW BUSINESS There were no Freeholder comments.

PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments.


There was no closed session.

MOTION TO ADJOURN Motion was made by Mr. Facemyer to adjourn the meeting, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding. There being no questions on the motion, all Freeholders rose for a 6/0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:49 P.M.


RITA SHADE SIMPSON, Clerk of the Board/Administrator

2001 Meeting Minutes