Adequate notice pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act has been given of this meeting.


By forwarding notice thereof to Todays Sunbeam and Elmer Times Co.

By posting notice thereof on the bulletin board in the Salem County Court House; and

By filing notice thereof in the Office of the Salem County Clerk and the Clerk of the Board all having been done at least 48 hours in advance.



MINUTES: Dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting. Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book.

Resolution Honoring Charles R. Walzer, III Eagle Scout Recipient


Carmen Miranda-Jones, LCO Manager, US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census copy of a certificate of commendation presented to the Honorable C. David Sparks, for his commitment to assist the census in accomplishing its goal to improve the Salem County Census 2000 population count

Patricia M. Sheats, Administrative Assistant, PSEG copy of the PSE&G Nuclear Outlook; Volume 2, Issue 6; Volume 2, Issue 7; and Volume 2, Issue 8

Christie OConnell, Director of Hospice letter of appreciation for the use of Camp Crockett for their bereavement camp for kids

Virginia Saull, President, Nami of Salem County letter of thanks for allotting their group $550.00 for classes to help families understand their loved ones mental illness

Zane R. Helsel, Director of Rutgers Cooperative Extension letter of thanks to the Board for Rutgers Cooperative Extension budget support

Edward Jones letter of resignation as a member of the Salem Community College Board of Trustees due to accepting a job with Florida Power & Light

Barbara Collins, Salem County Tax Administrator copy of the Salem County 2000 Abstract of Ratables

Gloucester County two resolutions: 1) resolution supporting New Jersey Assembly Bill A-40, which would provide for an earned income tax credit (which would help improve the life of low and moderate income New Jersey residents) and 2) resolution supporting the passage of New Jersey Assembly Bill A-49, an act establishing the family care health coverage program, which would provide health care coverage to approximately 125,000 low and moderate income residents of New Jersey

Hunterdon County resolution opposing enactment of A-2356 requiring the election of Freeholders by districts

Mercer County resolution opposing enactment of A-2356 requiring the election of Freeholders by districts

Morris County resolution supporting Senate Bill No. 256, which would require certain new employers to reimburse certain former employers for law enforcement training costs

Passaic County resolution opposing the proposed bear hunt in the State of New Jersey

For the Month of June

For the Month of July
Adjusters Office
Alternative Youth Shelter
Economic Development
Emergency Services
Health Department
Weights & Measures

Improvement Authority June 7th Meeting Minutes

Salem Community College Board of Trustees June 22nd Minutes

Board of Social Services July 27th Agenda

Vo-Tech Board of Education July 25th meeting excerpts

Inter-Agency Council August 1st General Membership and Board Meeting Minutes

Quarterly Reports for the JJC Partnership and Family Court Funds

Youth Services July reports


Bills and Claims

Treasurers Report

Finance Resolution Cancellation of Check

Finance Resolution Cancellation of Check

Finance Resolution Cancellation of Check

Finance Resolution Cancellation of Check

Finance Resolution Cancellation of Checks

Resolution Opposing Enactment of A-2356 Requiring the Election of Freeholders by Districts

Resolution Authorizing a Change Fund for the Salem County Clerk

Resolution Awarding a Contract for Providing Preventative Maintenance and Unscheduled Repair Services for Kitchen Equipment Located at the Salem County Nursing Home and the Salem County Correctional Facility

Resolution Authorizing the Public Sale of Surplus Vehicles and Various Other Equipment Deemed Not Needed for Public Use by the County of Salem and for Surplus Vehicles and Other Equipment Deemed Not Needed by the Governing Bodies of the Participating Members of the Salem County Cooperative Pricing System Number 75-SCCPS

Resolution Appointing an Auctioneer to Conduct a Public Sale for the Salem County Cooperative Pricing System Number 75-SCCPS

Resolution Approving Form of "Salem County Nursing Home Facility Admission Agreement"

Resolution Authorizing the Director to Enter Into an Agreement on Behalf of the County of Salem Titled "Agreement Permitting Encroachment of Improvements"

Resolution Awarding Contract for Providing Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services for the Salem Veterans Program

COUNTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Bestwick, Sullivan, Sparks
Resolution for the Appointment of Members to the Salem County Special Services School District Board of Education

HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Sullivan, Facemyer, Simmermon
Resolution Approving Signatories for Required Bank Account

Resolution Providing for the Insertion of a Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($25,000 Tobacco Control Prevention and Education Services 00-699-ADA-L-0)

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Ware, Simmermon, Kugler
Resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders Supporting and Approving a Body Armor Replacement Program Grant Application from the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice for the Prosecutors Office

Resolution Approving Participation with the State of New Jersey Grant Programs Administered by the Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice, State Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy

Resolution Providing for the Insertion of a Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. ($177,793 - Special Initiative for Children Funds for the Inter-Agency)

Resolution Providing for the Insertion of a Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($9,727 Partnership Grant CY00 for the Salem County Youth Services Commission) (Waiver Required)

Resolution Providing for the Insertion of a Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($1,530 Family Court Funding CY00 for the Salem County Youth Services Commission) (Waiver Required)

Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreement for Subregional Transportation Planning

Resolution Providing for the Insertion of a Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($10,000 NJ Historical Commission Local History Grant FY2000)

Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Contract to "Ron Ruckenstein and Associates" to Undertake the Preparation of a Regional Strategic Plan Under the DCA Smart Growth Planning Grant

Resolution Supporting Grant Application with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to Implement a Watershed Management Planning Program

Resolution Supporting Watershed Application to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Resolution Issuing Change Order Number E-3 to the Contract for the Addition and Renovation to the Emergency Management Building for the County of Salem

Resolution Providing for the Insertion of Any Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to NJSA 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($440,000 Housing Rehabilitation Grant) (Waiver Required)

ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE Simmermon, Bestwick, Facemyer
Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 Final Reconstruction of Kings Highway, County Road #620, Phase II

Resolution Establishing a Four Way Stop Intersection Almond Road, County Road #540 and Gershal Avenue, County Road #638 in Pittsgrove Township

Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application for State Aid to Counties Under the New Jersey Department of Transportation Local Bridge Rehabilitation Program

Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application for State Aid to Counties Under the New Jersey Department of Transportation Statewide Transportation and Local Bridge Bond Act of 1999

Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 Reconstruction of Centerton-Porchtown Road, County Road #613, Phase I

Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 Final 2000 Oil and Stone Program for the County of Salem

Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Change Order No. 1 Final for the Contract of "South State, Inc." for the Resurfacing of Delaware Avenue, County Road #675 in the Borough of Penns Grove and the Township of Carneys Point, Salem County, New Jersey

Contract for Professional Engineering Services for the Rehabilitation of Hancocks Bridge, County Bridge #1701300 in Lower Alloways Creek to "Kupper Associates, Inc."

Resolution Awarding a Contract for Furnishing and Delivering Reinforced Concrete Pipe to the County of Salem

Resolution Authorizing a Request for Liability Insurance Waiver (Waiver Required)

Resolution Providing for the Insertion of Any Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($500,000 Local Bridge Rehabilitation Program) (Waiver Required)

Resolution Providing for the Insertion of Any Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($375,000 Salem City Cluster Project) (Waiver Required)




CLOSED SESSION (may not be required)
Resolution Authorizing the Exclusion of the Public from a Meeting of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem


Next Meeting Date Wednesday, September 6, 2000

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