Pledge of Allegiance

Adequate notice pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act has been given of this meeting.

By forwarding notice thereof to Today’s Sunbeam and Elmer Times Co.

By posting notice thereof on the bulletin board in the Salem County Court House; and

By filing notice thereof in the Office of the Salem County Clerk and the Clerk of the Board all having been done at least 48 hours in advance.


MINUTES: Dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting. Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book.


Bond Ordinance No. 2002-01

Ordinance Providing for Capital Improvements of the County of Salem, State of New Jersey, Appropriating the Aggregate Amount of $700,000.00 Consisting of an Amount Currently Appropriated in the County of Salem Adopted Budget Which Will be Reserved in the County of Salem General Capital Fund

Motion for Introduction of Bond Ordinance on first reading

Public Hearing (and adoption) scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, 2002




US Army Corps of Engineers application by Stooge, Inc., for pier and dock construction and maintenance on the Mispillion River, Sussex County, Delaware

US Army Corps of Engineers application by Merritt Burke, III, for creation of 42 boat slips on the Mispillion River, Sussex County, Delaware

US Army Corps of Engineers application by Vargo Properties, LLC for construction of piers on Landing Creek in Egg Harbor Township, Atlantic County, NJ

US Army Corps of Engineers application by Harlo, Jenlo Corporation for dredging along Cape May Harbor in Township of Lower, Cape May County, NJ

NJ Department of Environmental Protection letter of intention to award $6,666.00 in additional County Environmental Health Act (CEHA) monies to the Salem County Health Department

South Jersey Transportation Authority agenda for November 19, 2002

Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders Resolution Supporting Tobacco Control Efforts

NJ Department of State letter of thanks to Director Sparks for assistance and support in the Harriet Tubman-William Still Underground Railroad Walk Across New Jersey.

NJ Department of Transportation letter of thanks for providing data on existing and proposed bicycle facilities

Mercer County Board of Chosen Freeholders Resolution opposing the Federal Environmental Protection Agency recommendation to relax various environmental enforcement rules

Delaware River Basin Commission October 28, 2002 notice of applications received

NJ Association of Counties announcement of passage into law of Assembly Bill 1374 allowing certain public bodies to provide electronic notice of meetings via the Internet

Southern Railroad Company of New Jersey copy of letter to the editor

National Association of Counties newsletter of November 11th

Hunterdon County Board of Chosen Freeholders Resolution opposing Senate Bill 1510 mandating Counties bear full responsibility for costs associated with County prosecutors

Borough of Woodstown resolution condemning decision of Federal Appeals Court declaring The Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional because the phrase, "One Nation Under God" violates the separation of church and state and urging reversal

Emergency Services Salem County Fire Academy letters of resignation

Commission on Women letter of resignation from Mary D. Hancock


County Clerk General Election Final Summary Report of November 6, 2002

Board of County Canvassers Certification of County Officials elected November 5, 2002

Alternative Youth Shelter October Monthly report, Expenditure report and Population statistics

Adjuster October report

Salem Community College Board of Trustees notice of meeting date change


Salem County Employee’s Activities Committee Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2002.

Library Commission September 18, 2002 Minutes

Improvement Authority audit for fiscal years ended June 30, 2001 and 2002

Improvement Authority September 9, 2002 minutes

Pollution Control Financing Authority minutes of regular September 3, October 1 meetings and special October 22, 2002 meeting

Youth Services Commission third quarter report for JJC Partnership and Family Court Funds

Youth Services Commission agenda and minutes for November 6, 2002

Board of Social Services agenda for October 24, 2002

Cumberland/Salem Workforce Investment Board Youth Investment Council October 1, 2002 minutes




Finance Resolution Cancellation of Check

Finance Resolution Cancellation of Check

Finance Resolution Requesting Transfer of Funds

Resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem, New Jersey Authorizing and Consenting to the Refunding of Certain Outstanding Bonds of the Salem County Improvement Authority Issued to Finance the Costs of Acquisition and Construction of a Correctional Facility and Court House Annex in and for the County Through the Issuance of Revenue Bonds (Correctional Facility and Court House Annex Project, Refunding Series 2003), by the Salem County Improvement Authority to Provide Financing for Such Project

Finance Resolution Providing for the Approval of Claims, Recording Thereof and the Payment of Such Claims by the County of Salem Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:5-17

Resolution for Dedication by Rider for the Establishment of a Trust Account for the Accumulated Absence Benefits for the County of Salem Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 5:30-15

Resolution for Dedication by Rider for the Establishment of a Trust Account for the Sheriff’s Office for the County of Salem Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:4-39

Resolution Appointing Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds (waiver)

Finance Resolution Requesting Transfer of Funds (waiver)

Resolution Authorizing the Freeholder Director to Approve on Behalf of the County of Salem "An Amendment to an Agreement by and Between the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Salem County and the Pollution Control Financing Authority of Salem County" (waiver)

Resolution Amending Resolution 2001-550 Establishing Job Classification Titles and Salary Ranges (waiver)

BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE – Sullivan, Bestwick, Ware

COUNTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – Ware, Simmermon, Sullivan

HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE – Bestwick, Simmermon, Facemyer

Resolution to Amend Resolution 2002-34 to Correctly State Term

Resolution Authorizing Freeholder Director and Clerk of the Board to Sign Agreement Between Salem Community College and County of Salem for Use of County Nursing Home for Clinical Training and Instructional Purposes

Resolution Authorizing Execution of Contract Between the Inter-Agency Council of Human Services and the County of Salem

Resolution Authorizing Freeholder Director and Clerk of the Board to Sign the Application for the 2003 LINCS Tobacco Coordinator

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE – Facemyer, Ware, Kugler

Resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders Supporting and Approving a Grant Application from the New Jersey Division of Highway Safety for the Prosecutor’s Office

Resolution Directing Purchasing Agent to Prepare Bid Specifications and Advertise for Bids for the Conversion of a Van for Use as a Crime Scene Vehicle for the Prosecutor’s Office

Resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders Authorizing an Additional Position and Rank of Sergeant in the Detective Bureau of the Prosecutor’s Office

Resolution Supporting and Approving a Community Justice Grant from the Department of Law and Public Safety for the Prosecutor’s Office

Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor Winner Ford for the Salem County Sheriff’s Department (waiver)


ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE – Simmermon, Bestwick, Sullivan

Resolution Endorsing the Salem County Element of the 2002 South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization Job Access-Reverse Commute Plan Update

Resolution Reappointing Assistant County Supervisor of Bridges

Resolution Awarding Contracts for Providing Supplementary Snow and Ice Removal Services for the County of Salem

Resolution Awarding a Contract for Routine and Emergency Electrical Repairs as Specified for the County of Salem

Resolution Appointing a Consultant to Design and Secure Permitting for the Reconstruction of Buck Road, County Road 553, in Pittsgrove Township

Resolution Approving Application for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program from the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (waiver)




CLOSED SESSION (may not be required)

Resolution Authorizing the Exclusion of the Public from a Meeting of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem


Next Meeting Date – Wednesday, December 4, 2002

2002 Agenda Index