At 07:31 P.M. Director C. David Sparks, Jr. opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. The Pledge of Allegiance followed a moment of silence.

On roll call, the following Freeholders were present: Charles R. Sullivan, Michael H. Facemyer, R. Benjamin Simmermon, Jr., John A. Kugler, Susan A. Bestwick and C. David Sparks, Jr. A quorum was present.

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the reading of the Minutes of the last regular meeting be dispensed with and that the Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 6/0.



Patricia M. Sheats, Administrative Assistant, PSEG copy of PSEG Nuclear LLC blastfax Volume 2, Issue 9

Jeffrey A. Warsh, Executive Director, NJ Transit copy of NJ Transits August Monthly Report

June D. Drummond, Alloway Township resident letter regarding dangerous curve in Alloway Township in front of her house and asking for a Bus Stop Sign and the State Police to patrol the area due to speeding problems


For the Month of July

Fire Marshal & Deputy Fire Marshal

For the Month of August

Economic Development

Emergency Services

Weights & Measures


Salem Community College July 27th Minutes

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the Correspondence, Departmental Reports, and Committee/Commission Minutes be received and filed. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 6/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the Rules of the Board be temporarily waived for any resolution to be considered this evening, which would require it. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion. The motion carried by a hand vote of 6/0.

The Director requested reading and consideration of resolutions by block.


R.2000-357 Resolution Authorizing Purchase from New Jersey State Contract Vendor Diamond Chemical Company Incorporated for the County of Salem

R.2000-358 Finance Resolution Cancellation of Check

R.2000-359 Finance Resolution Reduction of Grant (Vehicular Homicide Grant)

R.2000-360 Finance Resolution Reduction of Grant (JTPA Grant)

R.2000-361 Finance Resolution Cancellation of Grant Balances

R.99-379C Resolution Amending Setting Job Classification Titles and Ranges for 2000

R.2000-362 Resolution Approving of "Redevelopment Agreement By and Among Public Service New Millennium Economic Development Fund, L.L.C., the County of Salem and the Salem County Improvement Authority

Mr. Kugler moved for adoption of these resolutions, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 6/0.


R.2000-363 Resolution Providing for the Insertion of Any Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($4,805 State Agriculture Development Committee for the Right to Farm Activities Grant) Mr. Facemyer moved for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Sullivan seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried a hand vote of 6/0.

COUNTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Bestwick, Sullivan, Sparks

HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Sullivan, Facemyer, Simmermon

R.2000-364 Resolution Authorizing the Salem County Office on Aging to Apply for Funding from the Department of Health and Senior Services for 2001-2003

R.2000-365 Resolution Providing for the Insertion of Any Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($24,470.79 Senior and Disabled Transportation)

R.2000-366 Resolution Providing for the Insertion of Any Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($9,140.77 Area Plan Grant)

R.2000-367 Resolution Awarding a Contract for Furnishing Kitchen Renovations at the Salem County Nursing Home

Mr. Sullivan moved for adoption of these resolutions, with Mr. Facemyer seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 6/0.

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Ware, Simmermon, Kugler

R.2000-368 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One 2001 Ford Explorer 4x4 Truck for the Prosecutors Office

R.2000-369 Resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders Supporting and Approving a Grant Application from the New Jersey Division of Highway Safety for the Prosecutors Office

R.2000-370 Resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders Accepting Grant Funding for the Prosecutors Office from the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice State Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy

R.2000-371 Resolution Providing for the Insertion of Any Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($41,285 V-04-99S SART/SANE April 1, 2000-September 30, 3000)

R.2000-372 Resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders Approving Participation of a Grant Project with the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice for the Prosecutors Office (Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program)

R.2000-373 Resolution Providing for the Insertion of Any Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($199,729 Multi-Jurisdictional Narcotics Task Force Program DE 2-19-00 Byrne Drug Block Grant [4.00-4.01])

R.2000-374 Resolution Providing for the Insertion of Any Special Item of Revenue in the Budget Pursuant to R.S. 40A:4-87, Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 ($12.05 Megans Law Interest LLE-17-98)

R.2000-375 Resolution Authorizing the Freeholder Director and Clerk of the Board to Execute Collective Bargaining Agreement Addendum Between the Salem County Prosecutors Office (S.C.P.O.) Superior Officers Association and the Salem County Board of Chosen Freeholders

Mr. Simmermon moved for adoption of these resolutions, with Mr. Kugler seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 6/0.


ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE Simmermon, Bestwick, Facemyer

R.2000-376 Resolution Pedestrian Flashing Signal Parvin State Park, Pittsgrove Township, Salem County

R.2000-377 Resolution Authorizing Execution of Department of the Army License No. DACW-31-3-00-747 for the Penns Neck Disposal Area at the Hook Road Pumping Station

R.2000-378 Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 Reconstruction of Olivet Road, County Road #690 for the County of Salem

Mr. Simmermon moved for adoption of these resolutions, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions carried a hand vote of 6/0.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS There were no Freeholder comments.

NEW BUSINESS There were no Freeholder comments.


The Honorable Earl Gage, Mayor of Salem City, expressed appreciation for usage of the Old Courthouse for Salem City municipal court. He gave an overview of an Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) inspection report that detailed building changes to improve municipal court safety of the Old Courthouse. Freeholder Facemyer said that he would work with the City. He noted that the building's historical designation must be taken into consideration.

Mr. James Burkhardt of Mannington Township cited the history of the Hancock's Bridge area and requested movement of two bronze plaques on the bridge to an area nearby for public viewing which would also improve safety. Director Sparks said it was a reasonable request and asked Freeholder Simmermon to follow-up.

Mr. Robert Chalow of Pittsgrove Township asked about the Nextel cell tower status. The County Solicitor said that a lease agreement was being developed that included recommendations from the Pittsgrove Township solicitor.

Director Sparks closed the public portion.

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler to adjourn the meeting, with Mr. Simmermon seconding. There being no questions on the motion, all Freeholders said "Aye" for a 6/0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:08 P.M.

RITA SHADE SIMPSON, Clerk of the Board/Administrator

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