At 07:35 P.M. Director C. David Sparks, Jr. opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.

Maureen Leigh Humphreys led the Invocation.

Director C. David Sparks, Jr. led the Pledge of Allegiance.

On roll call, the following Freeholders were present: Charles R. Sullivan, Michael H. Facemyer; R. Benjamin Simmermon, Jr., John A. Kugler, Susan A. Bestwick and C. David Sparks, Jr. A quorum was present.

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the reading of the Minutes of the last regular meeting be dispensed with and that the Minutes be received, approved and recorded in the Minute Book. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 6/0.


R.2000- 196 Resolution Honoring Maureen Leigh Humphreys in Achieving the Miss Liberty Crown. Motion made by Mr. Kugler for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0. Deputy Director Kugler made presentation of resolution to Ms. Humphreys.

R.2000- 197 Resolution Honoring Mark Lee Thompson, II Eagle Scout Recipient. Motion made by Mr. Facemyer for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000- 198 Resolution Honoring John M. Lake, Jr. as Recipient of the 2000 Good Scout Award. Motion made by Mr. Kugler for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

A Proclamation was read declaring May as Mental Health Awareness Month.


Robert G. Torricelli, United State Senator invitation to a conference he is hosting in Washington, D.C. to be held on April 27th

William E. Anderson, Manager, Bureau of Traffic Engineering & Safety Programs, State of NJ, Department of Transportation letter regarding "Left Lane for Left Turn Only" along Rt. 49 in Pennsville Township was approved

Alfred C. Koeppe, President & Chief Operating Officer, PSE&G copy of the 1999 Summary Annual Report

Pamela M. Bush, Secretary, Delaware River Basin Commission Public Notice regarding project review applications received

New Jersey Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Siting Board 1999 Annual Report

Jeffrey A. Warsh, Executive Director, New Jersey Transit Corporation NJ Transit Public Hearing Notice

Lawrence W. Point, Esq. letter regarding East Lake Dam and East Lake Road in Pilesgrove Township

Constance S. Perry, Pittsgrove Township Clerk/Administrator letter regarding the Salem County Communication System

Hunterdon County resolution proclaiming April 9-15, 2000 to be National County Government Week

Hunterdon County proclamation regarding April as Stop the Violence Month

Union County resolution supporting an emergency supplemental appropriation to address the shortfall of funds needed to continue serving 500,000 youth beginning with the implementation of WIA in the summer of 2000

For the Month of March
Alternative Youth Shelter
Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshal


Library Commission March 15th Minutes

School-To-Careers Initiative Steering Committee March 23rd Minutes

Vo-Tech Board of Education excerpts from the March 28th meeting

Inter-Agency Council April 4th General Membership Meeting Minutes & Board Meeting Minutes

Mental Health Board April 12th Agenda & Regular Meeting Report

Vo-Tech Board of School Estimate April 5th Meeting

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the Correspondence, Departmental Reports, and Committee/Commission Minutes be received and filed. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion, which was carried by a hand vote of 6/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the Rules of the Board be temporarily waived for any resolution to be considered this evening, which would require it. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion. The motion carried by a hand vote of 6/0.


Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that all Bills and Claims, when properly signed and audited, be paid and charged to their respective accounts. Motion was seconded by Mr. Simmermon, which was carried by hand vote of 6/0.

Motion was made by Mr. Kugler that the Treasurers Report be received and filed, subject to audit, and that a copy be made available to the public, upon request, for its review. Mr. Simmermon seconded his motion, which was carried by hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000- 199 Resolution Authorizing Contract for Expert Opinion Services and Report. Motion made by Mr. Kugler for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000- 200 Resolution Authorizing Revisions to the Purchasing Procedures Policy Manual. Motion made by Mr. Kugler for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000- 201 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of a Grant by the County of Salem for Small Cities Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation. Motion made by Mr. Kugler for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000- 202 Resolution Appointing an Architect to Provide Architectural Services for the County of Salem. Motion made by Mr. Kugler for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0. Freeholder Facemyer made a comment that the architectural services are for the renovation of the Salem County Administrative Building.


COUNTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Bestwick, Sullivan, Sparks

R.2000- 203 Resolution for the Appointment of a Member to the Salem County Commission on Women. Motion made by Mrs. Bestwick for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Sullivan seconding her motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Sullivan, Facemyer, Simmermon

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Ware, Simmermon, Kugler

R.2000-204 Resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders Supporting and Approving a Grant Application from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety for the Prosecutors Office. Motion made by Mr. Simmermon for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Facemyer seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000-205 Resolution Authorizing the Freeholder Director and Clerk of the Board to Execute Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the Salem County Prosecutor and the Association of Assistant Prosecutors of Salem County. Motion made by Mr. Simmermon for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Kugler seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.


R.2000-206 Resolution Issuing Change Order Number E-1 to the Contract for the Addition and Renovation to the Emergency Management Building for the County of Salem. Motion made by Mr. Kugler for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000-207 Resolution of the County of Salem Regarding Adoption of the Citizen Participation Plan for the Small Cities Program #00-3520-00. Motion made by Mr. Kugler for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000-208 Resolution Approving the Policy and Procedural Manual for the Small Cities Rehabilitation Program. Motion made by Mr. Kugler for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000-209 Resolution Identifying Fair Housing Officer County of Salem. Motion made by Mr. Kugler for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE Simmermon, Bestwick, Facemyer

R.2000-210 Resolution Prohibiting Normal Traffic Centerton Road, County Road #553 and Upper Neck Road, County Road #690 in Pittsgrove Township, Salem County. Motion made by Mr. Simmermon for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000-211 Resolution to Approve Application for Motorist Solicitation Pursuant to Resolution No. 98-115. Motion made by Mr. Simmermon for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

R.2000-212 Resolution Awarding a Contract for Removal of Damaged Guide Rail and Installation of Guide Rail at Various Locations in the County of Salem. Motion made by Mr. Simmermon for adoption of this resolution, with Mrs. Bestwick seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS There were no Freeholder comments.

NEW BUSINESS There were no Freeholder comments.

PUBLIC COMMENT Ms. Marceline Eachus of Pittsgrove Township inquired about the contents of the Pittsgrove Township letter regarding Nextel. Director Sparks had the Clerk of the Board verbally paraphrase the letter.

Mr. Elmer Southerland of Pennsville had questions about the meeting's correspondence. His first question stemmed from the letter from William E. Anderson, Manager, Bureau of Traffic Engineering & Safety Programs, State of NJ, Department of Transportation for the State's changes to the "Left Lane for Left Turn Only" along Rt. 49 in Pennsville Township. He asked if the correspondence concerned the McDonald's intersection. Director Sparks read the State order. Freeholder Bestwick amplified that the area in question was the McDonald's intersection and that the State was going to do a study of the left turn. Mr. Southerland mentioned that the painted traffic lines were missing. Freeholder Bestwick said that the lines were coming.

Mr. Southerland's second inquiry concerned the acronym "WIA" in the Union County resolution supporting an emergency supplemental appropriation to address the shortfall of funds needed to continue serving 500,000 youth beginning with the implementation of WIA in the summer of 2000. Director Sparks indicated it had to do with the "Workforce Investment" program for youth employment.

There was no further public comment and Director Sparks closed the public portion of the meeting.

R.2000- 213 CLOSED SESSION RESOLUTION Resolution Authorizing the Exclusion of the Public from a Meeting of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem. Motion made by Mr. Kugler at 8:00 P.M. for adoption of this resolution, with Mr. Simmermon seconding his motion. On roll call, the motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution carried with a hand vote of 6/0. The Freeholder Board met in closed session to discuss matters involving contracts.

The Freeholder Board reconvened the Public Session at 8:25 P.M. Motion was made by Mr. Kugler to adjourn the meeting, with Mr. Simmermon seconding. There being no questions on the motion, all Freeholders said "Aye" for a 6/0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:26 P.M.

Rita Shade Simpson, Clerk of the Board/Administrator

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