Please forward comments to the Salem County Planning Board, 94 Market St., Salem, NJ 08079
Ext. 8619 FAX
(Name of Municipality)
Municipal Representative for Cross-Acceptance ____________________________________________
1. a. Will your municipality be applying for Plan Endorsement by the State Planning Commission within the next three years? (Circle one)
Yes No Maybe
1. b. If "Yes", would you be creating or delineating one or more centers within your municipality?
(Circle one)
Yes No Maybe
2. Has the planning board amended or will the planning board amend your municipality’s master plan to be consistent with the State Plan? (Circle one) Yes No
If "Yes," please provide examples or a brief description of the changes or proposed changes below.
If "No," please explain why.
3. Has the governing body adopted or will the governing body adopt amendments to your municipality’s zoning ordinance and/or map to be consistent with the State Plan? (Circle one) Yes No
If "Yes," please provide a brief description of the changes below.
If "No," please explain why.
1. Please list any proposed changes that your municipality would like to have made to the State Plan Statewide Goals, Strategies and Policies.
2. Please list any proposed changes to the description, delineation criteria, intent, policy objectives, and/or implementation strategy of any planning area. Include any proposed changes to the description or delineation of centers and/or environs.
3. Please mark any proposed changes to the delineation of Planning Areas, Critical Environmental Sites (CES) or Historic and Cultural Sites (HCS) on the 2004 State Plan map (see enclosed CD).
4. If your municipality is proposing changes to the State Plan Map, please provide an explanation for the changes on a separate piece of paper.
5. Please list any conflicts or inaccuracies that you found with the State Information Layers.
Please complete the following information in the event we have questions concerning the information that you have provided.
Name of person completing the Cross-Acceptance Form: ______________________________
Title: __________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________
Telephone: (______) ____________________________ Best time to call: _________________
Fax: (_____)______________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________
Communication preference: Regular Mail Telephone Fax E-mail
To ensure that municipal officials in the planning process have reviewed this form with the information that you have provided, please have the Mayor, Governing Body President, and Planning Board Chair sign and date in the spaces provided below.
We, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that the information provided in this form has been reviewed by the Mayor, the Governing Body President (if applicable) and the Planning board.
_______________________ ________________________
Mayor Planning Board Chair
_______________________ ________________________
Date Date
Municipal Questionnaire for Salem County Planning Purposes
(This Questionnaire is not required for Cross-Acceptance, but will assist us in preparing county plans.)
1. What is your vision for your municipality in the next five to ten years? What steps are you taking to implement your vision? Is your vision described in any planning documents?
2. What are the top three planning issues facing your municipality?
3. What planning projects is your municipality currently working on?
4. Please explain how your municipality takes a comprehensive approach to preparing your Master Plan and other plans.
5. Please explain how your municipality’s planning efforts take into account current and planned infrastructure capacity.
6. Please explain how you involve the public in your planning process.
7. Please explain how your municipality participates in regional planning efforts such as Smart Growth Regional Development Plans, regional environmental planning, transportation planning or economic development.
8. How does your municipality address transportation issues such as roadway maintenance, circulation, pedestrian areas and bike trails, etc.?
9. Is your municipality considering a transfer of development rights program? If so, for what purpose?
10. How does your municipality intend to implement the requirements of the new Stormwater Management Rules?
11. Please explain how your municipality preserves and protects its natural resources such as wetlands, woodlands, prime farmland, beaches, steep slopes and stream corridors: What preservation measures are found in your zoning ordinance?
12. Please describe any commercial or residential revitalization efforts taking place in your municipality?
13. How does your municipality encourage development and redevelopment that contributes to well-designed, mixed-use communities?
14. Please explain how your municipality has introduced new design concepts to improve the appearance and functioning of existing residential and non-residential developments. Some of these concepts include creating innovative design standards for major corridors, providing pedestrian and bicycle connections to residential and commercial areas, linking adjacent shopping centers and allowing a mix of uses to reduce vehicular trips.
15. For those municipalities that have been designated centers by the State Planning Commission, please explain how you have carried out the required tasks listed in your Planning Implementation Agenda.
16. Please explain what your municipality can do to reach a higher degree of consistency with County and State Plans. Please describe any zoning or Master Plan changes you are contemplating to be more consistent with your municipal Planning Area designations.
17. How can State Agencies better serve your municipality?
18. How can our county assist you with your planning efforts?