Freeholders Praise Employee's Long Service Upon Retirement

Freeholder Director Dave Sparks thanks Buildings and Grounds employee Ruby Lipscomb for her 33 years of service. The Board wished her well in her retirement.

Resolution Honoring Ruby Lipscomb upon Her Retirement
with Thirty-Three Years Service to the County of Salem

WHEREAS, RUBY LIPSCOMB retired with thirty-three years service with the County of Salem in the Buildings & Grounds Department; and

WHEREAS, RUBY LIPSCOMB was hired on August 28, 1969 as a part time Building Service Worker, achieved permanent status on November 3, 1969, became full time on May 3, 1971, and worked through the ranks to the title of Supervisor of Custodians; and

WHEREAS, RUBY LIPSCOMB was a dedicated civil servant who took pride in her work and performed additional duties whenever called upon; and

WHEREAS, RUBY LIPSCOMB served the community and the Buildings and Grounds Department with devotion; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem that RUBY LIPSCOMB be bestowed the gratitude and praise of the entire community; and, be it further

RESOLVED that RUBY LIPSCOMB be extended heartfelt congratulations from the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Salem on her extensive service to the Salem County Buildings & Grounds Department and best wishes on her well-deserved retirement.

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