New Jersey Historic Sites Council
Once a property is listed in the New Jersey Register, any public undertaking that would "encroach upon, damage or destroy" the registered historic property must by reviewed pursuant to this law and receive prior authorization from the NJ Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection. Strictly private undertakings are not reviewable.

The Historic Sites Council is a gubernatorially appointed body of eleven citizens created to advise the Commissioner. The Council reviews proposed "encroachments" at an open public meeting, and makes a recommendation to the Commissioner for final action. The Historic Preservation Office acts as staff to the Historic Sites Council.

Outside link to NJ Historic Preservation Office

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Council members enjoy a lighter moment during testimony.
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Historic Preservation Office staff member Dan Saunders "stands and delivers" an application overview.
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HSC Dream Team.
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Applicant explains project.
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Just one more chart ought to explain it.
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Long day.

Cultural & Heritage Commission