A New 2005 Season of Stone Soup
The popular Stone Soup Lunch and Lecture Series kicks off a new season on Friday at noon. The events offer a hearty lunch of a choice of two soups, salad and desert and a 20 to 30 minute lecture on a variety of topics. The Series in sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church and is held in their parish hall on the corners of Market and Grant Streets in Salem.
The series was developed as a community offering and is open to the public. There is no charge for the events but donations to help cover the costs of the meal are always welcome. The time is kept from noon to one o’clock to allow workers on their lunch hour to participate.
This Friday’s February 4th Lecture will be presented by Bobbi Daugherty who is associated with the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association. Daugherty is the Director of Morristown Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice. She is an RN and has a Masters Degree in Education. She comes from Nebraska where she was the past President of the Greater Nebraska Alzheimer’s Association. She has done presentations and training on Alzheimer and related disorders across the mid west. She opened the first Alzheimer unit in the state of Nebraska. She will provide an over view of the disease and the services available to support families who find themselves caregivers. The New Jersey Association has recently begun services in Salem County with the help of a grant from the Salem County Health and Wellness Foundation.
March 4th The series Lenten offering marks the return of Biblical Scholar Tom Purchase with a lecture on the Trial of Jesus from the Jewish perspective. Purchase will base his lecture on the recently published book by Haim Cohn. Cohn is a former Attorney General and Supreme Court Justice for the State of Israel. He is a law historian and New Testament Scholar.
April 1st Jack Smith from the West Jersey Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation will provide a bit of information about the bird that has taken up residence in the St. John’s Church Yard. He will also talk about the Wheelin’ Sportsmen Program the Federation supports to help young people with disabilities enjoy out door sports.
May 6th Dr. James Newton, Professor of Black American Studies at the University of Delaware will lecture on the Underground Railroad, highlighting the importance of our rivers and creeks in “road” to freedom. In addition to Black History, Dr. Newton’s expertise includes African American Art, contemporary African American Issues, multicultural education and much more.
For further information contact St. John’s Church at . If you are planning to bring a group and would like to reserve seating please let us know.